A Wineberserker Public Service Announcement
The 10th annual Virtual Tasting Series (VTS) is ready to go. The first week kicks off the week before Thanksgiving and runs through the New Year giving those time to post a tasting note into the thread. Each week is hosted by a fellow Wineberserker who decides the theme, format, and the charity they’d like to support.
Matching Donations: if you’d like to co-host the current week by matching the donations then just post into that week’s thread “I’m matching” and any terms and conditions you’d like to add. A number of people have requested this and it’s a great idea so have look below and pick a week you’d be interested in matching.
Week__Date_____Theme / Host - Charity
NOV18 - NOV29 - Anything Pinot Noir - Frank Murray - Laura’s House
NOV30 - DEC7 - Chris Seiber - Open Your Worst Wine for Free Wheelchairs
DEC7 - DEC14 - Jim Stewart “Story wine” for Semper Fi & America’s Fund
DEC14 - DEC21 - PaulC Rosés for Médecins Sans Frontières
DEC21 - DEC28 - Anything! Brig playing For Goodness Cakes
DEC28 - JAN4 - Bubbles/ Patrick_Taylor
Here’s the Compendium for the previous years.
2013 Compendium
2014 Compendium
2015 Compendium
2016 Compendium
2017 Compendium
2018 Compendium
2019 Compendium
2020 Compendium
2021 Compendium
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Okay, best time of year!
Interested in hosting a week just post here which week and we can work on a theme/etc. You pick the charity.
I’ll do all the heavy lifting, you just sit back and enjoy the fun and support for your charity.
First time hosting? Take a look at the compendium of past events for ideas. Or get creative and come up with something completely different.
The Grand Marshall of VTS, FMIII, has his thanksgiving week posted, starts the 18th.
Each year I typically kick off the series and do the first week. Like all the other years, I will do Pinot Noir (from anywhere, still and bubbly). But before I get to the ‘how’ below, just a couple of comments.
My charity is about ending domestic violence, through emergency shelter services, counseling, transitional housing and legal services. To learn more, you can click the following:
How do you participate? You open and post as many Pinot Noir tasting notes as you like, and I will pay $5 …
I’d like to take Bubbly week again.
can these threads be stickies as this runs?
Atta boy. I’ll make you pay that week.
@Chris_Seiber you have week 2.
Start thinking about a theme and charity. You have time
Seiber has a theme. Open your worst wine! Awesome, I have cellar full of candidates.
Playing for free wheelchairs.
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@Jim_Stewart is now week 3. He’s pondering a theme and charity. Lots of time to ponder!
Only two weeks remain open…
Post or PM if interested.
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Jim is set for his theme.
Theme: “Story” Wines
Charity: Semper Fi & America’s Fund
Fun! Oorah !
Two weeks still available
@P_a_u_l_Christensen is onboard for week 4 with a personal favorite, Rosés and donating to Médecins Sans Frontières
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Week 2 is up for viewing. Starts Wednesday
Thank you in advance for participating in Week 2 of the Wine Berserker series of Virtual Tastings for Charity.
The Charity: This is an amazing charity which provides high quality, durable wheelchairs to disabled people in the third world, so they have an opportunity to see their friends and loved ones, find employment, and meet other basic human needs. Every $96 donated provides a person with a wheelchair like this:
You can read more about the great things they do at their website: h…
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Okay week 3 sponsored by Jim starts Wednesday. He’ll be working on the details
There’s still one week still open for adoption. I’ll let it soak for another week and of still open I’ll grab it! LOL
Charity: Semper Fi & America’s Fund. About Us - Semper Fi & America's Fund . Click the link to learn about what this charity does for veterans and their families. (This is one charity, by the way)
Theme: Every wine tells a story, don’t it? Maybe, but there are also some wines that have a more ‘personal’ story behind them for you. Maybe the vintage year has special meaning for you, or the wine was an eye-opener that led you to new wine interests, or you discovered the wine in your travels, or the…
Week 4 starts tomorrow and thank you to @P_a_u_l_Christensen
Who doesn’t love Rosés!
This is my first go at this, and my theme, rosés, is a little more prosaic than the two previous great weeks from @Chris_Seiber and @Jim_Stewart , but let’s see what we can come up with. (Being based in Hong Kong, I may be a bit slow in any responses here - I’m asleep when many of you are awake.)
It seems to me that rosés (at least still rosés) have long languished as a “last resort” option in many people’s minds, often suggested as a wine for non-wine-afficiandos. But that really does them a …
Next week is still available for any interested. I’m definitely cosponsoring at a minimum or will take the week myself.
Have a great cause, birthday cakes! Seriously.
If interested just reply here and I’ll handle the rest.
Thanks Brig and Todd. Week 4 is up and running - I guess I may be the first contributor when it gets far enough into the 14th here to not feel guilty about cracking a bottle! (But feel free to jump the gun with a late night rosé before hitting the sack in the States this evening…)
week 5 is up and running!
Write a tasting note for any cocktail, liquor or food over the week. That’s easy and I know lots of berserkers drink fun stuff other than wine and we know everyone is a foodie at heart so share your favorites in the name of charity and good fun. It’s worth $5 for each one.
Charity: For Goodness Cakes
My friend Laurie runs the Orange Country chapter of this organization and she shared some amazing cake pictures she has created and mentioned “this one was for a kid that had never had a b…
Ding dong…Mr Taylor, I am itching to know what parameters you will have and for the charity in play this year. Please!