A Wineberserker Public Service Announcement
The 9th annual Virtual Tasting Series (VTS) is ready to go. The first week for 2021 kicks off the week before Thanksgiving and runs through the New Year giving those time to post a tasting note into the thread. Each week is hosted by a fellow Wineberserker who decides the theme, format, and the charity they’d like to support.
Matching Donations: if you’d like to co-host the current week by matching the donations then just post into that week’s thread “I’m matching” and any terms and conditions you’d like to add. A number of people have requested this and it’s a great idea so have look below and pick a week you’d be interested in matching.
Shout out to Kirk Grant for sponsoring the week following Thanksgiving. He’s doing a dual sponsorship with his wife for two different charities and you drink a specific type of wine depending on which charity you’d like them to donate to. How cool is that?
Nate came up with a creative theme, smokey. I love it.
Lots of flinty smoke notes in those burgs… Just sayin.
What about a week dedicated to the theme of “Smoky”. So, the idea would be that you could either do a wine or whiskey. I am thinking something like Rhone Syrah, CA Syrah, Peated scotch/whisky/bourbon etc.
I’ll do one.
Berserkerday (or NewbiePalozza) wines
5 smackers per note to
I’d love to see some folks match or make their own donations. Most of us can’t imagine living in a country where an elementary school child eats lunch at school on Friday, and then feels hunger pangs until school breakfast on Monday morning.
I teach in a pretty affluent school and we still deal with this issue.
Great theme, I’m loaded up with berserkerday wines. I’ll ping you when your week is up.
Comment regarding the kids. It was a big discussion around virtual education because so many of the kids get their nutrition from the school meals. A shockingly large number.