We’ve had a number of new threads about affordable wines that have popped up recently, and I thought that it might be useful to collect them here, in the section of the board that is dedicated to people who are new to the hobby, so that they could more easily find them.
This list is certainly not exhaustive. It’s just what I’ve seen over the last few days. So if anyone knows of older posts (or newer posts, for that matter) that discuss high quality but affordable wines, I encourage you to post them here so that others can more easily find them.
Inspired by the thread on how to attract a broader/younger/not-rolling-in-money membership to WineBeserkers I’ll initiate a thread in which to post tasting notes (and any directly related discussion) on wines that we’ve enjoyed drinking and which retailed in whichever country you’re in for the equivalent of US$20 or less. Please add your own tastings notes within those criteria.
I’ll start with a handful of such wines that we (my wife Sabrina and I) have enjoyed over the last 6 months or so.
Given the recent threads on wine prices and young folks getting into the appreciation of finer wines and more activity on this wonderful forum, here is my stab at building a quality, reasonably diverse cellar with reasonable wine pricing. While I realize $50 may be a lot for some, bear in mind that some of the wines on this list are what I call world class wines that cost a fraction of what some of their peers cost, and that can and will mature and age gracefully. I regularly buy every single …
The best friend and I are big fans of the basic Etienne Calsac BdB and I am looking for similar price point champagnes that drink just as well if not better. Trying to stockpile over the next 5 months for our annual family beach trip.
Great Cremant recs are welcomed as well!
Inspired by the great thread started by @Robert_Dentice and @Jayson_Cohen ’s idea, I figured I would start this thread. I am by no means a natural wine expert but I’ve really enjoyed a lot of those I’ve tried. Please let’s not devolve into a thread trying to define natural wine! I’m hoping this thread will help forumites find new bottles to try.
I’ve been on a huge German wine kick lately and I’ve been able to find a lot of great recommendations on this forum, for which I am grateful. Just tonig…
Excellent idea to add a directory thread. Very cool to see all the action coming out of the thread about recruiting new, younger members.