Official Costco Thread

Must have shipped all the inventory from the Chicago Near West Side location that was there for months at $80ish and then proofed.

Longtime listener, first time caller.
Longmont CO Costco has 2017 BV Tapestry Reserve at $19.97, with the death star. Seems like a good deal, picked up two bottles and am thinking about a few more…Chris


Welcome Chris!

And hell yeah that’s a good deal! Havent had it in a while but used to love that wine (and it aged well too!)


I have enjoyed many bottles of the 2017 BV Tapestry Reserve. It’s well worth $20. Cellartracker reviews are helpful. It does benefit from a long decant.

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Bunch of 2019 being sold in 6 packs in london Costco’s. Pricing similar to here give or take (usd equivalent).

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That’s a killer buy, probably 50% of the best deal you could get elsewhere.

I’d get a lot more if I were you. Or maybe try one of your two, giving it a long decant and all, so you can confirm it’s something you like, if you think there’s time before the rest are gone.

Plus, you can drink it over 15+ years so all the more reason to get a stash.

Oh, and welcome! Stick around, this is a good place.

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The epic 2019 Costco Bordeaux fire sale that happened last year. Overall what I bought (cost incl all tax) looks to be now around 50% on avg less than the lowest price + tax/shipping I can find, and looks even better when comparing it to WS avg. loaded up with 255 bottles of 2019 bdx haha.

Wish Costco hooked us up with similar value compared to competitor pricing on the 2020s. Instead of being a no brainer, they’re pricing at the lower end of WS pricing,

Anybody seen any super seconds out at Costco that are 20-30% below WS lowest price?

Agree that $20 is a terrific price for the 2017 BV Tapestry Reserve. Picked up a few bottles in North Scottsdale a year ago at $33 and thought that was a decent price. Welcome aboard.

The opposite for some of the first growths… KC Midtown Costco has had a number of premium 2020 Bordeaux wines on the shelf for many months now:

 - Pichon Baron $165
 - LMHB $400
 - Palmer $390
 - Mouton, Haut Brion, and Margaux, all $700

Edit to add:

 - VCC $390
 - Pavie $390
 - L'Evangile $290
 - LLC $329

For half a day once, Costco online sold the 2020 LLC for $199. I bought two. I guess I’ll have something good to drink on my 80th birthday.

But in general, 2020 Bdx is priced around where Costco wines generally are priced relative to market. At or near WS low, occasionally one off wines that are a great bargain.

2020 duhart milon got coupon’d. Guess they finally figured out 2020s weren’t moving.

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That at register discount is generally reflective of a supplier price reduction, assuming this is from MiSA. It can be both * and instant rebate.

Back to the BV 2017 Tapestry. My wife had to return some things today, so I had her pick up 4 more bottles for me (and 2 more for one of her friends). BV has always been a favorite winery of mine, so I’ll get to them in due time and trust they’ll be worth the wait.

Bordeaux selection in Longmont this time was pretty much non-existent. Mostly California Cabs.

Thanks, Chris

P.S. Guess next time I go to Costco it might not hurt to buy something else that doesn’t fit…

Outside of the BV Longmont has nothing else interesting? That store had an incredible Bordeaux selection and half price Heitz when they opened.

Superior didn’t have anything interesting to me this last week.

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That price sounds like what one would have paid for the 1997 vintage !

Surprisingly I still have a 1990 Tapestry sitting on the racks.

I paid over $30 for 1997 BV Tapestry at Albertson’s in Tacoma.

Topic drift but if you like good wine, you likely like good cooking knifes. These were $250 at Christmas and a good deal. Now down to 99.97 at the Costco in Selma. (San Antonio TX)


Wow that seems like a great deal! I have several Wusthof knives that were given to me as gifts over time, and after several years some of the handles started cracking. I wrote to them, was asked to send them back, and they returned brand new knives. It impressed me.

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Nice, and a good deal.
I’m a Henckels (Zwilling) kinda guy…but
I’ve been using Shun, Japanese knives lately. Nice and sharp and light. Very nice.

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I suddenly feel like I’m in the wrong thread, ha! Is it weird that i love wine but have literally zero interest in knives? Ha!