Official Costco Thread

Now that’s a score! :exploding_head:

I used to do that way as well, until I had an A5 roast. Then the world changed. :joy_cat:

Little experience with Malescot, but had a 2005 (from mag) back in Dec and wow the perfume was incredible, in a perfect drinking window, so 15-20 years I presume is needed.


2005 was rated very highly (see

Fingers crossed that the '19s turn out as good or better!

The 2019 is so good, I’d made a point of not buying Malescot for years, it’s now a wine I look out for in Margaux along with d’Issan.


If you like Malescot, you like new oak. It’s the poster child. Admittedly I haven’t had it since 2015 vintage, but it was always 100% new, and I assume still is.

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That means zero to me as I look for balance, texture, and typicity. I found the 19 to speak to Margaux and have great balance and texture, even young.


I don’t know about Malescot, but I wouldn’t say everyone who likes any wine that uses all new oak is therefore “someone who likes new oak.”

DRC and many others of the world’s greatest wines are aged in all new oak, right?

I think for me, it’s more how much does the oak complement or enhance the wine, versus dominate it or make it unpleasant.




As I said, I haven’t tried the most recent vintages, but have sampled quite a few vintages from about 2000 - 2015, and it has always been one of the more noticeably heavily oaked Bordeaux. As a relative oak-a-phobe, it’s not a wine I buy.

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I am a big fan of oak as the frame, not the picture, I’d certainly try the 2019 Alan.

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… and this is why I typically don’t post a TN until I’m done tasting the wine …

Day 3 brought quite the change of scenery. Suddenly, the d’Armhailac came out to play, and catapulted to the top of the three. The Malescot got bumped down to second place, and the Pedesclaux brought up the rear with its overt oak. This d’Armhailac needs to be buried in the cellar.


Brian Glas-strom

Funny, for sure … but also, Ewwww. :see_no_evil:


D’Armailhac, mentioned it was dang hard to spell.


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We opened a 2000 roughly in the 2015 time frame and I thought it had grown out of balance. I had liked it better when young, when the wood was to be expected, and compensated for with slabs of red meat.

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Yup, and even with the 10% on 6 here the prices aren’t nearly as good as what I see on this thread

at #471 today

Seems like a fair price for a cru bourgoise

I don’t recall a KS Sancerre before. If you zoom in you can read the back label, perhaps some info there.

I remember the era when Cinq Cepages was a WS WOTY…how times change

Never seen Sunce at Costco before. I’ve tried their late harvest dessert wines, which were ok.

$40 Condrieu, but has been lingering here since Thankgsiving or so

Price Chopper hits the Torbreck.

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Did as described above tonight, A5 from Costco, fantastic!