NYC - May 6th Blind Wine Tasting Dinner

When: Monday, May 6th 5:30 sit down and do their blind white wine flight. The tasting dinner will commence at 6pm. I’ll get there just after 5pm if anyone gets out early; we will order a bottle of Champagne off their menu then.

Requirements: Bring two bottles of wine from the same region of the world. One bottle must be worth more than $100 and one must be worth less than $50. Both should be concealed. This will be a blind tasting. Examples: Chablis vs Grand Cru Red Burgundy, or Penfolds RWT vs Pewsey Vale The Contours Clare Valley Riesling, or Kongsgaard Chardonnay vs Mondavi Fume Blanc. They can be both red, both white or one of each, your call. Try to choose wines that express typicity.

Where: Corkbuzz 13 e 13th street (Union Square)

How: When you arrive, please ensure the bottles are concealed (in a bag or aluminum foil or something to cover them). Target amount of people for this dinner will be 10-12, once you go above 12 it can get too unruly, and there won’t be enough wine for each person. Each person will pass their two bottles around and the group will taste them and try to determine what they are–if your bottle shape is extremely unique, ie: SQN, Insignia, etc, please either decant them or move them into a different bottle. Once everyone has tried them we will guess what the region is and what the wines are. The wines will be revealed each time after the round of guessing. How formal or casual your guesses are will totally be up to you; WSET, CMS, or just winging it are all fine…

Cost: The cost is expected to be around $150. (It has ranged between 125-150). This includes free corkage, and 25% gratuity. They provide all the stems, excellent service and great food.

Why: I’m currently studying for the WSET Diploma, so something like this really appeals to me. I hope others are also interested in a blind tasting dinner as well.

Several people have DM’d me already about this event, so the list has already started. We’ll get a list and waiting list started soon.

@PeterB +2
@J0hnEhrl1ng +1

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It WILL be unruly. It just depends on how fast we get there.

Sounds fun, pencil me in. Thanks for putting this together Peter.

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this looks awesome - sign me up.If you get too many attendees who haven’t done a Peter Event ™, kick me out. we want to share the WB love.


Count me in!

Peter, one suggestion after the last event: maybe we can have someone who’s not attending vet the proposed wines to ensure there’s a good mix and not too many varietals that few will identify (random Italian whites, I’m looking at you …)

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Hi Peter, expressing interest in the next blinds dinner if you have room. looks like the first went very well.

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Hi Peter, I’m interested.

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lol. we need some more random Italian whites. There is more than enough Sauv Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Riesling & Chardonnay in the world already!

Hoping I can make this, but not certain yet.

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Looks like it will be just me, no Julie G for this one

I would like to join.


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Me. Me. Me.

I flew to Orlando the day after the red dinner and did not get a chance to respond. BUT Session One was an outstanding event. I have some really good whites. If Rebecca comes with me, we get to bring four wines. Does Madeira count as a white? CT always lists it as a white. But Rebecca hates Madeira so we’ll go with normal whites.

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I have these Italian whites:

Quintarelli Whites

The problem is that there are no good matching wines for the first three that are over $100 and the Quintarelli in right in the middle.

Excited to see you again Jay!
I’m sure you can find a Sassicaia White somewhere hidden in the cellar.

And go with your wife… don’t upset her over some Madeira… Phil will do another event soon and you know he’s gonna want that there.

Waitlist officially starts now…

Aaand I have to drop out for May 6. Get in on this, people, peter throws a good bash.

No, but have you ever had Gaja Chardonnay?

Gaia & Rey? Once. It was awesome.

I had it at a trade tasting for “small” Italian producers that I was invited to by accident. It was great, but I have none. However, I have some other weirdo whites to choose from.