Monthly check-in: Cellar inventory reduction plan

I was very happy to be responsible for one of those Outies. Thanks again @maureen_nelson.


I did well again
10 in
23 out

+6 for April, almost tying January for my best month of the year, but still no negative months in 2023 and still +67 YTD. Failure.

In: 15 (Sandar & Hem, and my final allocation of Ridge Monte Bello. I still plan to buy, but Iā€™m selling it to a younger friend at cost)
Out: 12


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36 out, 16 in, net -20


37 out. 6 in. Net -31.

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6 in, 10 out. My first down month in a long, long time. Though, a lot of deliveries in April are making this feel like less of an accomplishment.

April: 15 out, 24 in - net 9 increase. A defeat at the surface. However, for the first time in over two years I have no shipments or pickups pending. While this probably wonā€™t last long, it shows that restraint is possible :slight_smile:.

April: +62/-21; Net +41
2023: +202/-69: Net +133

There must be something Iā€™m not grasping :grimacing:

you are in the wrong thread: What is YOUR most recent wine purchase? (Part 2) - #1858 by LasseK


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24 in
15 out
I expect to get back on track in May.

I got out of the thread when I left Canada and left my bottles behind. Iā€™ve been setup in France for 9 months nowā€¦ join again or buy a new fridge?

Ahā€¦ wineā€¦ you and your wicked waysā€¦

When I am counting ins and outs, I base it on purchases, not deliveries. So, I agree with your counting.

I figured out how to make this work.

Dadā€™s cellar: +1935

Resets the baseline.

Culls (see the crypt thread, etc.) and consumption: -148


I know I am a contrarian here, but I go by deliveries because thatā€™s when push comes to shove for storage.

I know that worthies like @Sarah_Kirschbaum note that ā€œthis only only tells you about the weather, not purchasing patternsā€ but I donā€™t mind: I can track purchasing date in CT.

In any case (or should I say casesā€¦and casesā€¦ :grimacing:), my purchasing patterns pretty much peak when offers do: mid-Jan-March and Sep-Nov.

In truth, I donā€™t really belong on this thread, but I sure do enjoy following the exploits of more experienced fellow-travelers like @David_Bu3ker, @alan_weinberg and @Howard_Cooper on the wine road.

Philā€”thereā€™s room for a bottle of Riesling on that third shelf!


That summarizes the story of my lifeā€¦ I donā€™t drink Riesling :man_facepalming:

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Wasted life? :wink:

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Let me ask my wife and get back to youā€¦!

That used to be alanā€™s story too and look how heā€™s grown!

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