✨ Fontaine // 35% OFF // $19 Lightweight European Crystal Wine Stems

Hey Berserkers,

Thanks for dropping in.

If you know us for our spirits glass (or by our previous name of Bennuaine), and haven’t seen the latest news…


Introducing $19 European lightweight crystal wine glassware

The most affordable luxury crystal stemware RIGHT HERE for BD16.

Berserker Day Offers

Click HERE to shop!

No coupon code needed, just add to cart!

:wine_glass: GLASSWARE Weight Retail BD16
Wine - Machine-Made, Premier Ultralight 125 grams $29 Save 35% - $19
Wine - Hand-Made w/ Titanium 95 grams $59 Save 20%
Whisky & Spirits - Hand-Made w/ Titanium 70 grams $49 Save 20%
:truck: Free Express Shipping Upgrade
All orders over $199 get upgraded to Express shipping

No gimmicks, just up straight up deals!

See my comment in regards to multiple purchases and merging orders!

Fontaine Universal Wine Glass

* Ultralight Machine-Made Premier Wine Glass *

Only $19/glass

  • Extreme value and Quality-to-Price ratio

  • Lower cost than Gabriel Glas StandArt by 44% (only for BD16!!)

  • Lighter weight than Gabriel Glas StandArt by 20%

  • Same design as our hand-made

  • Thin stem and fine cut rim

  • 100% made in Europe

:gem: PRODUCT SUMMARY: The lightest premium machine-made stemware on the market at an unbeatable Berserker Day ONLY price.

Please note: This is a pre-order with a very limited Berserker Day only offer at their lowest price ever. Factoring in some padding for unforeseeable events, the safe estimate is shipping end of May. This project is a massive step forward for Fontaine and your orders are very much appreciated!

* The Hand-Made Titanium Wine Glass *

Only $47/glass

  • The finest European craftsmanship

  • Affordable luxury

  • Featherweight 95 grams

  • Strengthened with Titanium

  • Dishwasher safe

:truck: Delivery: Shipping next business day!

:gem: PRODUCT SUMMARY: For ballers. 100% guaranteed the most affordable top-tier luxury Europe crystal of the highest caliber. Not even Zalto or Gabriel have Titanium strengthening.

The European glass shop has been operating for over 200 years. That level of expertise and craftsmanship is immediately tangible in the featherweight feel and stem thinness.

Thank You!

For a deep dive, you can read the detailed wine glass development story at this Berserker post.

Over a dozen of my favorite international brilliant wineries, as well as sommeliers and industry veterans, helped design this glass over the course of 10 months and many rounds of prototyping. Every detail has been meticulously measured and fine-tuned for a balanced and rewarding Universal glass. The end result is something I am especially proud to share with you.

Fontaine Winery Partners

The ultralight machine-made glass project has been a serious endeavor with over a year and a half of planning and budgeting. Achieving best-in-class quality and value is my modus operandi and this new glass overwhelmingly achieves both.

Thanks as always for your support and cannot wait for you to enjoy them!

Conan Loves Wine

Shop the Berserker Day 16 Sale → FontaineGlass.com

Follow Along on Instagram @FontaineGlass


Berserker Replacement Program

Accidents happen. Obviously we’ll replace any shipping damage for free, but if yours break for any other reason, we offer a 1:1 replacement at wholesale cost.

One More Thing... Travel Cases!

Bring your wine glasses anywhere you go! I’m enjoying the first prototype and while it’s a bit too early to pre-sell now, anyone who orders during Berserker Day will get a special offer when the cases go on sale later this year.

Just wanted to pop in the comments with a few extra words…

My goal for Fontaine has always been achieving BOTH exceptional quality and value.

That’s why the new European machine-made glasses are so. dang. exciting.

At 125 grams, the Fontaine Premier Universal still maintains a “hand-made” feel, I believe. There are only very tiny increases in thickness at the stem 0.5mm (4.5 > 5) and the rim 0.1mm (0.7 > 0.8). Glassware-connoisseur Wine Berserkers will note a weight difference from the hand-made 95 gram Titanium, of course, but I still think will be very impressed.

These are really terrific glasses for anyone who wants both refinement and durability, or for the glassware lover who wants both a hand-made version for special occasions and something a little more casual for the everyday pours. At this price-point you can easily bulk up and have the best glassware for any wine tasting or dinner party.

Your pre-orders are extremely appreciated. For this kind of capital-intensive project, pre-orders really help ensure the glass hits the ground running.

Thanks for supporting Fontaine in our journey of making affordable world-class European glassware.


Bryan sent me a machined sample glass to take for a spin. Here are my experiences from someone who has used every glass on the planet.

I use the glass five or six times over the last few weeks + each time I had other people take the glass for a test drive as well. The results are fairly unanimous;

  • It’s very elegant and looks terrific
  • Performed superbly with Champagne, yes, I drink sparklers from a regular glass
  • Excellent concentration on the nose after swirling. Really impressive here.
  • Weight. It’s extremely light for a machine glass, the stem is just like a hand blown.
  • Very good balance, never felt top heavy
  • The widest part of the glass is a 5oz, cuz I’ve been overserving myself!
  • The warden said “you’re buying some of these, right?” She loves it
  • This price is incredible, at $19 you won’t worry when your uncle slams one into the sink


I also test drove two of these glasses. The machine made and the mouth blown. My daily drinker is a Glasvin universal. The Fontaine hand blown in the glass. Universal are within 1 g of each other and weight. The machine made is about 10 g heavier but boy is it durable. I always have to take extra care while drying my glasses to avoid breaking them. Machine made glass is not an issue at all. Then, the mouth blown glass is very durable as well. Over the course of drinking from these two glasses for a couple of weeks, they’re really growing on me. The machine made glasses is an outstanding value while the mouth blown is right there with the Glasvin on the quality scale. Kind of digging the shape too. Remind me of my Gabriel Glas Gold.

Machine made.

Mouth blown


I know @Robert.A.Jr has his review to share, but I did have a chance to sample the Titanium version, next to me most beloved Kane stem from Glasvin. I found very little difference, SLIGHT emphasis on aromas (good or bad), but what stood out to me is that this stem is freakin AWESOME to swirl, and I love to swirl. More importantly, The Boss has chosen it as her new favorite stem in the house.


Thank you so much @brigcampbell and @Brian_Tuite for giving the brand new machine samples a whirl!

So thrilled you’ve been enjoying them and appreciate all the great detailed feedback.

Getting me even more excited to send them to more Berserkers!

I think we need some social media content of you in a smoking jacket (ala "Most Interesting Man in the World) just swirling wine in slo-mo.

PS: Give The Boss my regards!

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I’m in for 4 of the Titanium and 6 of the Premier. This is a really good deal. @Rich_Brown

Thanks for the road test Bryan!


Last year I bought 4 of the stemmed apertif/cordial/snifter glasses. People LOVE them. I could serve friends Draino out of them, and they would be impressed.

They look sweet @BryanGreen. Love the look of the Titanium Universal. I bet Riesling would taste great out of it! I have a friend opening a wine bar and she’s looking for glasses. I will share your website info with her.

In for 6 of the machine made.

Stepped aside for a minute for a meeting and came back to a bunch of orders and comments. I can already tell this is gonna be the best Berserker Day yet. Thanks everyone!

Excellent :clap: Looks like your Titaniums are already packed up and will ship today too.

Ha! Please let me know how the Draino test goes, but I refuse any liability!

Yes! Mega Riesling fan here. Julian at Hermann Ludes gave important guidance towards the design. Probably opening some Kilburg tonight too. Thanks for the rec for your friend too, let’s chat.

Very much appreciated. Thanks for coming back and ordering again :pray:

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@BryanGreen totally agree, this is my second year offering German wines at BerserkerDay and it has been a great start. I just talked to @Robert_Dentice about Julian Ludes!
And yes, let’s chat about my friend and her need for glasses!


I also did a trial run with these glasses and they are VERY impressive. I don’t think the machine made can be beat if you’re looking for something elegant, but also durable and affordable. Well done!

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Appreciate you test driving them during your Dry (er, damp?) January break, @Sarah_Kirschbaum ! Can’t wait for you to put them to even more use. I know they’ll be a great travel companion.


I remain rather amused that anyone would ask me to review something so easily shatter-able as a wine glass. Me thinks @ToddFrench does this for humor and drama. And he knows I’m not that fussy. Heck, I drive a truck.

But here goes…

I’ve always found fine wine glasses a bit gimmicky. I know that could be sacrilegious here. I like to keep things simple. And durable, as in not easily breakable. All those fancy light thin glasses with molded tulip whatever shape, yea, I break them.

I want simple. Durable. And aesthetically pleasing.

The Fontaines are beautiful. Love the elegant almost geometric taper. Very elegant proportions. They appeal to this Architect’s eye.

They feel good in the hand. Like my bikes, where all the rage is weight, sometimes light is too light. I want something to feel in my hand. These glasses are heavier than fine glasses, and I think that’s a good thing. But they are still relatively light. The weight is on point.

So the real question is, how do they taste.

I’ve sampled this glass over two night with a very robust 2015 Gilles Cornas and a fantastic 2021 Donnhoff Chardonnay. Yes. A German Chardonnay. I sampled them side by side with my Glasvin Universals and Expressions.

On both the red and the white, the aromatics were far more focused and fragrant in this glass, and the palate on the red seemed more concentrated. Definitely a wine that accentuates the aromatics. I guess that I never noticed that a larger bowl with a large mouth perhaps diffused the nose on the wine a bit, until i sampled them side by side. Now that said, i do find the mouth on the glass a bit more tapered and sized to notice on a face like mine, and how do i say this politely to myself, with a rather large nose. Had to told the head back a wee bit.

I think these glasses were designed to be universal and for everyday use. And for that purpose, they hit the mark. I personally think they may be better suited for whites and champagne, but that is just me guessing after just two nights of sampling.

I would buy with confidence here. And not because of my crappy review, but the really sophisticated ones upstream by people that actually know their stuff.

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Daaaaaang @Robert.A.Jr! A true poet.

I see what you drink and commented on your recent VCC, so I’m hardpressed to agree you have a “yak palate” as you say… but yes, I would agree Todd might have a funny bone in suggesting to send wine glasses to the guy who started the fairly epic “Oops I Did It Again” - Alferts Breakage post.

Jokes aside, the machine-made Premier is 100% intended to be that glass for people who love their wine but also want something more casual - someone just like you. It’s really great to hear you report the glass can deliver more complex aromas while ALSO being beautiful AND not intimidating to hold and drink from. (I’m blushing :hugs:)

Thanks so much for writing up such a wonderful review. And great choices with the Gilles and Donhoff!!! (Yak palate, yeah right)

Hey @ToddFrench - Alfert didn’t do too bad here, did he?

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@ToddFrench I just got a good laugh imaging you singing and dancing :moyai: :tropical_drink:

Ok, everyone! Moving and grooving. Just kracked some Kilburg to celebrate, inspired by @LisaT !


This has already been the best Berserker Preview Day for Fontaine and its not over yet. Bless you all, my dear wine lovers.

Two notes…

  • For the first hour today apparently a shopping cart plug-in on the website was acting janky and toyed with shipping costs… So if that caught you out, please try again!

  • Every hand-made Titanium glass so far has been promptly shipped out! If you need glassware pronto - and I know you do - hop on it, Berserkers. This deal is in short supply and you’ll get them in just a couple days.

Let’s keep it going!