De Negoce offer (Part 2)

ONE WEEK!?!?! For $15 they were happy to hold the cases for 4 months! Pretty sure they can hold it for a week. Just sloppy execution on their part. Nobody thought about it (I certainly didn’t!). There is really no time during the year I’m not ok with shipping from NoCal to SoCal, even in the summer. But this is a record heat wave!

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So you’re sitting out the rest of the Falltacular offerings then?


Sending out people’s wine in 100 degree heat when they could have waited a week until temperatures would decline and not damage the wine… Didn’t ole Courtney do this last year as well?

You may want to contact your credit card company regarding what you can do. I spoke to USAA about this once and they said they would support not paying the vendor if the product you receive is materially different than what you ordered. Hope that could help.

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No, I’ll just make sure that I pay closer attention to when it ships and pay for a hold immediately if there is a heat wave! But I’m pretty sure this is the last heat wave of the year! But I also don’t need more wine so yah I’ll prob sit out most of them.

They aren’t really in the wrong here - the offer literally said “ships this week”. They’re just kind of dumb for doing it? We’ll see how the wine turns out. It’s just wine. We’ll all be ok.

By the way, the last thing customer service said to me is “let me know how the wine arrives”. So they not being dicks about it.

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I’m just poking fun because dN has literally done this over and over.

As a N.01 purchaser, I’m proud to see the trademarked incompetence, purposely or otherwise, has continued under the new owners.


More from one of the best!

How about 2019 Boich Family Cellar Beckstoffer Missouri Hopper Vineyard Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon?

I’m tempted, but as Mathew pointed out, its only 95 points for a mystery.

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Look closer at that price. Boich fits, as they advertise the 95JD score. I’m not sure that a Worlds End wine ever got that high of a score. What I am really asking is, who wraps there wine in light blue tissue paper with a grey swirl on the side?

Wineslash wraps their mystery wine in various colors of tissue paper. They had a Beau Vigne mystery bottle label covered with such shear paper you could read through it and see that it was a Juliet.

It may still be for sale but it looks like they noticed the problem and covered it with more paper.

But that is fairly unique paper with the grey design, leads me to believe that it is original. Not something you’d find in the Target isle.

Sorry, you guys were talking about the score, thought you meant the price of was $95.

FYI, Winespies has Beau Vigne 2021 ‘Cult’ Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon for $49 today. WE 97!


Might want to check out Casemates today - hint hint

And the only reason I am posting this here is that I’ve received many comments about folks in this thread interested in trying my wines - and these prices are crazy low and ones that I usually do not offer to anyone else.



I posted it above Larry! Got buried quick. Good luck!

No worries - just thought I’d let this ‘subgroup’ see this :grimacing:



Good Luck :four_leaf_clover: Larry!
I hope that you sell a boatload and gets some more loyal repeat customers!
Cheers :wine_glass:

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Feel free to get on there and give me crap in the comments section if you’d like - it’d be a very WB kinda thing to do!

And thank you!

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I don’t think the wrapping is related to the bottle, that would be a crazy marketing oversight.

With respect to Boich, I don’t think it’s the right bottle, as their prices from winery are higher than that if I recall correctly.

Your advertising in this thread worked. I got my first case of your wine, and am looking forward to it! My fiancee and I have an agreement: any impulsive cases of wine I buy on the internet without discussion (De Negoce, last bottle, etc…) I pay for. If she likes it, we go 50/50. So in essence, I take all the risk, she takes all the reward. However, I have yet to be wrong and buy a case of something she doesn’t like. And she’s a big fan of rhone wines. I hope you don’t screw me over here Larry!!


Not trying to ‘advertise’ in this thread - I have been an active participant in this thread from the get go - having even pissed of some of the OGs of the thread by questioning things up front when things were not moving in a prompt manner, raising concerns (as others noted at the time as well). I have also been an active pariticipant in commenting on some of the wines and discussing winemaking stuff, something I’m well versed in :wink: I do hope she likes them too!


Didn’t mean to accuse you of any unsavory behavior here! Meant that more as a thanks for mentioning the sale since it definitely appeals to the sensibilities of those of us who hang out here in this thread :slight_smile: