De Negoce offer (Part 2)

I got bored last week and in flipping through my Costco mailer in front of the tube. Came across a wine kit for $68 this kit gets good scores from the Costco community and makes approximately 50 bottles. I’ve got nothing better to do with my time so I purchased one. Seems like an interesting pastime .

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Quite a few ‘new’ bottle offers today on dN’s latest Last Call 15% off sale, but though there are several I would be interested in, the % doesn’t equate to must have purchases for me at this time.


Ha all the values were gone pretty quick.

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Here’s what seems to be in the pipeline per ttb online -

434 santa barbara Pinot Noir
438 2021 mendocino zinfandel
439 2022 yountville cab franc
440 2023 clarksburg viognier
441 2023 Lodi grenache blanc
419 2022 Moon Mtn District Cab Sauv
442 2023 Mokelumne River Pinot gris
443 2022 mendocino cty pinot noir


Bulk Pinot Gris from Mokelumne River? Lodi Grenache Blanc? Clarksburg Viognier???

Times certainly have changed for dN.


At least they are 2023’s :slight_smile: That makes them good swill.

I’m finishing the last few sips of #69 Merlot from last night as I catch up here. #69 was my 2nd purchase to #49 Cab…40+ cases ago. Like many here, I’m full and need a reason to buy more.


Good vintage does not automatically make good wine.

@Adam_Frisch Mokelumne is your wheelhouse, who makes Pinot Gris there and then dumps it out as bulk wine?


Not sure, but there are some big volume players there like Delicato and Michael David. Gallo also takes tons from Lodi.


Same, and good thing too, I still have way too much wine. It was fun while it lasted! And I’ll pop in over at the DN tasting thread every so often over the next decade as I drink through them all.

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Bet they “sell out” that Viognier in a heartbeat. Not.

Someone bulked out a blending component, is what this blurb says. And it’s not even cheap. And the “over 60% off” is almost fraudulent. 60% off what, as this wine isn’t sold by itself?


149 a case is good.

Just checking if this thread still works. New offer today and no chatter, but not unexpected. Just reminiscing in my head about the glory days! At the current pace, we’ll max out the 10k limit on Part 2 in about 5-6 years.

I’m also shocked that the new “owners” would leave this thread high and dry. It’s the only thing, other than a one way website and some support emails, that gave dN a face. They had a cult following. How many of all of us recommended dN to friends over the years? Tons. How many are recommending today? Very few I suspect.

I know we may be a tiny cog in their enterprise, but I still think it would be significant enough for them to feel it. Not saying anything that hasn’t been said already. Simply going through my stages of grief…


Don’t look now, but LOT 450 is right around the corner…

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Idle speculation: is the 443 PN from Hobo?

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Well “Folks”,
I do recall some time ago, when the Originator of de Negoce offered “Carneros AVA” $40 Pinot Noir for the tidy sum of $109 a case, now it’s “Mendocino County AVA” $40 Pinot for $109/ half case.


Cheers, Tim


Unless 2002 was 50 years ago, unlikely to be Hobo. Good QPR wines though. We tasted at the facility several years ago and took home a couple of cases.

Yeah, I’m responsible for not only the many cases I purchased myself, but I know at least 4 others that bought based purely on my recommendation. Not any more. I suspect that is true of many of us.


Ah, you’re saying Hobo has no trouble selling their wines.
In other possibly related news, K&L is offering a “Stellar Insider’s Deal on a One-of-a-Kind Cali Pinot” - 2021 Rootdown “Cole Ranch” Mendocino Pinot Noir (Elsewhere $36) ($19.95)
But that’s a single-micro-AVA bottling…maybe they landed in a pile of surplus grapes from their neighbors…

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It was more of an annoying way to point out that the email blast said the winery has been in business for 50 years when Hobo has been in business for about 20.


Ah, I’m a little dense, didn’t notice that. Good catch.