2021 Greer Offer

I am hesitating for the same reason as well. I do not mind pulling the trigger for a 3 pack but a 6 pack with $1300+ pauses me a bit especially with Jasud and MacDonald coming up soon.

Yeah I think I’m definitely holding off for a day or two since Beta drops today and the Greer offer is tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I actually get a 2021 allocation but I can always rely on the fact that the library offer is still hanging around.


I am out at $225. not sure if its feasible but Id be happy to pass my allocation to someone else


Similar situation - likely tapping out here unfortunately at these collective all-in prices (bottle price + shipping). I will say, however, that I have always enjoyed these wines over the years, and I still have a decent stash of them that I will continue to enjoy for years to come. For those new to the mailing list, I do think that in the realm of higher end Napa cabs, these easily hold their own (imho) against the likes of Harlan, Scarecrow, etc. and are very much so their peer (they always perform well in the blind tastings I’ve had them in). I just am on too many mailing lists and need to thin out a bit, and sadly this one likely getting the boot from me this year - so hopefully someone else takes my spot and can enjoy these wines :slight_smile:


Going to forgo the “Exclusive Introductory Offering” (have 3 of the 2019 in cellar and not thrilled over the 2017 reviews) and hope there are some 2021 left after the initial prior purchase offer ends. :crossed_fingers:

Same thought here. Had a good 16 but need to thin the mailing lists and this one is probably getting the boot with the price increase.


Thats what I am leaning on as well. Hopefully there is some remaining as this will be my first crack at the list…Worst case scenario the Intro Offer can serve as a fall back since it is available until 9/30

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I’d feel bad for you, except that you are getting a crack at both Jasud and MacDonald hahaha. Been waiting a long time for MacDonald offer…

The offer is live for those intending to buy.

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$675 for a 3 pack

Still “worth it” to me despite the price increase. Maybe I’m numb to price increases lately. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

The 2016/2017 all in were $556. Ahh, the good ol days. lol.

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I’m a happy customer, even at $225 it’s competitive. IIRC production is typically under 500 cases…with 2021 being a low yield year. The '22 Greer will be $250. High quality Rutherford juice.


in for a 3-pack and wishlisted a second.

I didn’t even see an option to wishlist, I’ve been on the list since the 18 vintage, perhaps I’m still too junior.

there was a comment re wish listing in the offer email. Reply to them and request

It was probably best I missed that part of the email, it was already a rough month without a wish being granted. Thanks for the heads up though.

I bit the bullet and went for the “Special Offer Vertical” plus my 2021 allocation. Hopefully no additional price increases next year…I keep telling myself no more purchases until Berserker Day sigh

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I ultimately decided that I couldn’t justify $1200+ for 6 bottles of a wine I’ve never tried. Combined with an unforeseen car expense of that same amount last week, it wasn’t meant to be. Now if there ever was a wine I’d take a flyer on, being recommended by Roy Piper and made by Aaron Pott, this was something I was looking forward to.

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Yeah this was a tough one for me. I really only wanted in on the 2021 vintage and the only foreseeable way in was the “Special Offer”. I bit only on the fact that at this price point it was already my celling so I will certainly be priced out next year if the prices go up. Also due to the fact that is seems to be nearly impossible to get any of the wines from his own label for Aaron Pott. The last Pott release was handled absolutely horribly in how they released and managed the inventory so not sure if I want to continue down that road again…

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Still holding on the hope once the October 5th date passes for prior buyers there will be a “still available offer” of the 2021 to the waiting list members… Not sure if this is historically based…?
Was the added 2021 allocation 3 bottles?
Next year’s Large Format offer from Aaron Pott might be the only avenue to break into his standard offer? Did not jump on this years due to limited space and too many other Large Form’s already in my cellar.