You know you're a wineberserker when . .

When you buy more bottles during a release than planned to save on shipping.

When you have a cellar full of wine but nothing to drink.


Ever? I mean that’s monthly.

Oh you were at Jon’s party last weekend! Pour them a taste of Tâche and they look at the glass trying to find the rest. But that’s why there was wine in the kitchen where they could drop their own 10 oz pour to their heart’s content. Great people though!

Your photos app alternates between photos of your children and bottles of wine.


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Couldn’t find the New Yorker cartoon from years ago, but here’s the scene: Husband and wife clearing the table after a dinner party. Husband holding up an empty bottle of wine, comments, “Yes, but did they understand it?”


…you PM two other Berserkers in very different time zones for input on five potential backup wines for dinner tonight. They immediately reply.


What about when you have 2 cellars full of wine and nothing to drink?

Also: when you buy 6 bottles of something on pre-arrival, and then when the shop sends an email touting the same wine as “just arrived” you buy more, forgetting the original pre-arrival purchase that is about to ship!


When you are gifted a bottle and say ‘this will be good to cook with.’


I felt this one. When I first got into wine I thought sharing some really good, somewhat aged wine would wow my friends. No one made a single comment on the wine.

When you have a corner of the cellar with such wines.

PS I think you meant to say “say to yourself” … :slight_smile:

Sometimes it slips :grimacing:

You know you’re a real Berserker when you are pedantic enough to point out that it is limited liability company, not limited liability corporation. PS - posted this before I read Mike’s post and then had to go back and add his after I stopped laughing.

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You have to sort through hundreds of photos of bottles of wine on your phone when someone asks to see a photo of your children . . .

You added extra photos of your children to the gallery on your phone because it was embarrassing when people noticed that you had to sort through the wine photos to find your kids.

One of the better things about having a grandson is that he solved the imbalance on your phone.

You mean this? Berserkerfest 2.5.

Let’s also not forget LLC’s cousin, LP.

YKYAWB when you go straight to the “What’s YOUR latest wine purchase” to see who sniped your auction purchase.

YKYAWB when you put dot stickers on the wines your SO can open with book club

YKYAWB when you’ve mastered tetris and can still walk across the floor of your cellar despite the stacks of wines and boxes that have no room in the racks.

YKYAWB when your blood pressure and heart double as you watch a server you don’t quite trust open that champagne or old bottle.

YKYAWB if you’ve brought you own glassware anywhere.

YKYAWB when you have dedicated wine luggage

YKYAWB when your SO doesn’t even roll their eyes anymore at your neurotic vinous behavior

YKYAWB if you’ve ever sneaked a delivery past your SO

YKYAWB if you’ve posted on the “What’s YOUR latest wine purchase” thread the same day as the “I think I’m done” and “Cellar reduction” thread.

YKYAWB when your fitness tracker has given up on you.

YKYAWB when you have a bigger buying problem than drinking problem

YKYAWB if you have a wine-oh-one K as big as your IRA

Addendum, and this really happened:

YKYAWB when your Fedex driver asks if you want an AA card


Or when you’ve given up mastering tetris and only have one tiny path through which you can tip-toe from the door to the cooling unit, but 70% of the inventory is inaccessible because of all the boxes stacked on top of or in front of it.

Also, if you’ve ever built a cellar and then gone back and either enlarged it or built a second one.


When you read tasting notes and/or shop for wine in between sets at the gym… all while listening to wine podcast.

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