You know you have too much wine if...

You plan a 10 bottle Rhys tasting.

Actually, feel todds pain. So much so that because my home storage is maxed and my off site is maxed, i bought a new home.

Should have a 1000 plus bottle cellar by end of this year, or beginning next.

As Billy Idol said in promoting the early days of MTV: “Too much is never enough.”

You’re begging the leader of your local wine group to let you put on an entire tasting (e.g. a vertical), but he won’t let you because you’ve already done too many.

Here is what I do, and my next one is coming up soon …
I invite a pack of friends, and tell them to bring more friends for a night of wine tasting. Usually blow through 2-3 cases this way.

My wife is usually in the kitchen when I come home from work. I do the walk of shame as I walk in with yet another box of wine. But hon, it was a great deal! It is one of your favorites! One of those usually works.

Those both only work once or twice…

Aren’t any of you worried you won’t drink some of the wine and it will go to waste? That holds me in check, but I still have too much wine.

At roughly 450 bottles, not me, but many of you have thousands of bottles!!

We go through 250 bottles a year and I am 47. I wish I had to worry about that…

It won’t be big enough. Take this as the voice of experience.

if you covet a bottle and forgot that you already own it!

We have some room in our locker… feel free to leave anything with us…

True dat.

As the late Jerry Garcia said, “to much of anything is just enough” :slight_smile:

you post stuff on commerce corner to make room and have to fight hard not to buy just as much from commerce corner…

I doubt you and Paul have much room - too full of super high end Champagne!! I even have a few bottles in the ‘waiting area’ at Legend for me…


I thought I was only person that had wine sitting in boxes in their closets waiting for room to open up in the wine fridge or the wine cabinet!!!

I have 4 boxes in the hall closet, 5 in my home office, and 3 sitting next to the cellar in the front room…

I know Vinfolio is very expensive and not very popular around here. But it is so liberating not to have these problems anymore. I used to spend so much time carrying boxes from office to home to off site storage. Now my service picks up my wine at many of the wineries. They accept shipment from the rest. They make trips to K and L and Premier Cru. They accept the wine, barcode it, and enter it into my storage. When I am ready I punch into the computer which bottles I am ready to consume. They pick those bottles, pack them and I go up once or twice a year and get what I need. It is nice not to have boxes all over the house it allows me to keep my cellar at home well organized. It keeps me from consuming bottles that are too young because it is expedient and allows me to get to the wines are ready to go without digging through dozens of boxes.
It is expensive and the in and out fees are frustrating but it does save on shipping and makes my life so much easier that I can’t bring myself to not just pay their bills and get over it. Now that I am paying two college tuitions my purchasing his way down and I will gradually draw down on what I have stored there until I can start purchasing again (hopefully).