Wine list - too many options!

A pretty fun list to browse through, Canadian pricing for anyone wondering why it’s so high. Looking for recommendations on a red wine, I don’t discriminate and enjoy most styles. Although if someone finds a perfectly aged Burgundy on that list I’d be all ears, have yet to try an aged one.

Open to suggestions on anything anyone finds interesting though. Bottle price ideally $400 or less. Thanks!


The markup on the 2016 Le Vieux Donjon CdP ($140 Canadian; so about $102 US) is actually very reasonable.


The Mugneret Gibourg Vosne is crazily a good price in today’s market, and a wine you might not see anywhere else. Though awfully young.


Nice list.

I suggest 2012 Ducru Beaucaillou.


Though it seems overpriced to me, I’d go for the 2005 Bouchard Père & Fils, “Lavaux Saint-Jacques” for 390 on the strength of @Otto_Forsberg’s CT note.

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Yeah I’d be all over that at 375 CDN


Think it’s drinking nicely this young? Agree it’s a great price though, almost tempting to open one and cellar a second…

Can’t know for sure. They’re style is a little more favorable to drinking early, and 2020 might be a more forward vintage. But it’s all speculation lol.


I love Mugneret-Gibourg, and I’m sure it will drink fine, but 2020 isn’t the most accessible vintage.

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The Ramonet 1er whites are cheap in todays market.
Edit: the DRC 1er cru for $1300 USD is a pretty good deal too.

Well, first off, I hope you hike the glaciers up there. That whole area is flat out stunning. If you are a cyclist, rent a bike as well. I have many fond memories of that place.

With a list like that, either look for simple wines, like a Beaujolais, or for sleepers. Here are a few that interest me:

1999 Domaine de Chevalier $150
1996 Chateau de Fieuzal $135
2005 Domain Charvin magnum $250
1998 Certan de May $290
1998 Conseillante $350

Ok I just realized the list is Canadian dollars, so pricing is not bad on some things I like.

Damn! 2000 Magdelaine $280 - BOOM
And 2005 Magdelaine $280
That’s $200 US. Grab them and run!


The Jamet is young and '18 was finicky but a good price.

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:grinning: clear winner
2000 might be a little more ready though. What the hell, get both.

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I agree about the Ramonet whites. The villages wine seems to be esp a good deal.

For a less expensive red, try the 2020 Givry, Domaine des Moirot.

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My wife and I went stayed at the Post Hotel years ago while on vacation to Lake Louise. I still remember it as one of the best trips we have ever taken…the hotel property is so beautiful and reminds me of little countryside gingerbread houses, with the log cabins and red tin roofs. The meal we had at the Post Hotel restaurant was perfect. I was fairly early in my wine journey, I ordered a bottle of 1990 Shafer Hillside Select, they decanted it and brought out these huge red wine glasses…I thought I was king of the hill…I hope you find a great wine and have a wonderful dinner!


Thanks! Planning to hit the slopes a couple days, a 5 foot snowpack still so my bike may stay at home. Beautiful area in all seasons though.

I was debating on going bordeaux with such a nice selection, might twist my arm a bit. Haven’t tried Magdelaine yet but I’m guessing it’s a more classical style given your preference?


Awesome to hear, sounds like an amazing trip! I’m pretty lucky living couple hours from here. It’s funny though, we spend our weekends in the mountains and I’ve been to the Lake Louise area countless times for hiking and skiing but never heard of the Post Hotel. Always new things to discover.

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Magdelaine is the ultimate classic. I have more of this Château than any other Bordeaux now in my cellar. I think Mark Golodetz is the same. I would definitely go with the 2000. Ask the Sommelier to decant it for about an hour.

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Ya wanna perfectly aged Burgundy? They got one.

1990 Bouchard Beaune 1er Cru ‘Clos de la Mousse’.

Dan Kravitz


Actually I think the Magdelaine 2004 is drinking very nicely at the moment - the 2000 has the better future but the 04 is more charming and open now, with a wonderful nose - and it’s a bit cheaper!