Which winery's mailing list is the hottest now?

What wine(s) are all the cool wine lunatics aching to get their hands on? The “A list” brands that have caused so much chatter lately about receiving allocations or being snubbed yet again - is it Cayuse / Hors Catégorie, MacDonald, John Thomas (snicker), or somebody else? I guess Screaming Eagle has been the ultimate for a long time now judging by the length of time members here have been on the outside looking in.

It’s that damn Hansel! He’s so hot right now!-mugatu

SQN is the top of the heap, I would guess, as far as ‘consumer level’ enthusiasm.

Screagle seems too pricey to play with, but SQN can be purchased by more enthusiasts and enjoyed. We have members who actually drink SQN, which I admire!

Saxum seems well established, as well.

Hidden Ridge :wink:

IMO Macdonald.

Maybe Sine Qua Non (SQN) and Screaming Eagle too.



Dear Friends and Family,

My brother and I are humbled by the interest we have received during this year’s release. As a result, our 2014 MACDONALD Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon has sold out. We appreciate everyone’s support of our small family vineyard and we will continue to create wines that express our site and old vines. Our goal is to share our wine with everyone who is interested and we hope to have the opportunity to do so with future vintages. Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Although the waitlist may be even longer on SQN than MacDonald I would say that MacDonald is hottest ticket. Its the Hamilton of the wine world… It sells for over triple release price on secondary market. The SQNS can be found usually just a little above release except on those scored 100 pts. The Screagle of course is still hot and will be until the release price and secondary market are much closer. I think Becklyn is also very hot and very hard to find at retail.

This calls for a poll!

“If you could magically be allowed onto any mailing list, which one list would you choose?”

None, Already on 'em ! neener


We’ll never know, but based on chatter activity on here and bidding activity on the auction sites, I would throw Rivers Marie into the mix.
There are a lot of SQN and Saxum bottles sitting on the auction sites.

Not to be a wet blanket, but how do we define “hottest?“
Is it the number of people on the waitlist? The ratio of that number to the number of active list members? (Those numbers, of course, would be known only to the winery.)
Retail or auction selling price compared to winery list price?
Google search numbers?

Subjective opinion for a wine chat forum?

It can’t be RM, Beckly, SQN or MacDonald as I am actively buying from all. Guess that leaves Screaming Eagle.

Based on the buzz for its 40th Anniversary wine, I’d say Caymus . . . :slight_smile:

Ralph, why the snicker for John Thomas? Just because he is old school?

Thread drift:

I can choke down any wine I am served, but last weekend at a wine party someone hit me with that blind and I had to politely sneak away and share with the foliage. I honest think it can’t be wine.

No, it’s nothing to do with his product. Are you a Monty Python fan? I’d guess not, or you’d know what was causing me to act like Beavis & Butthead. Google “Monty Python John Thomas” and watch the segments from The Meaning of Life.