What to pair with tuna tartare?

I am making some tuna tartare for a dinner this weekend (invading a fellow Berserker’s abode!), and am curious what wine you would pair with it. I was thinking of bubbles, but I figure there must be other options, too.

FWIW, my tuna tartare preparation (see below) looks complicated, but it actually features the taste of the fresh raw fish – the add-on ingredients are there only to accentuate the fish’s natural flavors.

my tuna tartare recipie: (all measurements should be done to taste)
chopped fresh ahi tuna
little bit of extra virgin olive oil
little bit of Worcestshire sauce
little bit of brown or dijon mustard
little bit of horseradish
finely minced shallot
brunoise cucumber (adds a very interesting textural contrast to the fish)
raw quail egg
little bit of freshly cracked black pepper
couple pinches of kosher salt

A 2008 German Riesling Kabinett

Or perhaps a gruner veltliner or Alsace Gewurztraminer. Personally Id go with the 2008 Kabinett though

German is nice. I like old world Sauv Blanc too.

Rosé Champagne (the darker the better) or maybe a Cerasuolo Montepulciano d’Abruzzo.

Feminine PN is not bad with this dish.

Yup, red Burgundy.

If it werent for the horseradish, Id agree with you

Not a problem. I have red Burgundy with sushi all the time.

I’ll give it a try

to note, the horseradish is barely, but clearly, discernable.

Actually, I have had Skewis with very similar preparations that my wife has made, and it goes very well. As long as the horseradish is not very strong as you say, I agree with those who made similar recommendations.


not sure if you still have that second bottle of our Rose, but at the SFChefs 2010 event a couple of weeks ago, Xavier Salomon, the Executive Chef at Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay was serving his Tuna Tartare across the aisle from us and when he stopped over to try our rose, he immediately b-lined it back to his table to grab his tartare and tell me that it paired perfectly with our rose. He sent people over the rest of the afternoon, one right after the other and told them to try it with our Rose. I was surprised that it went that well and was equally surprised at how he recommended us all day long.


You already know the answer Brian. IPA neener

Seriously? I would think something much lighter and more delicate, like maybe a Saison or Pilsener, would pair much better if we were to go the beer route. In fact, the Saison idea is growing legs in my mind right now …

Sake! Or, I’ve never tried this with tuna, but muscadet perhaps - it has worked well with all seafood I’ve had it with, and sounds like a match for your recipe too.

Oud Beersel DRY Framboise Lambic would be an insane match in the beer department. Serve it in flutes and don’t tell folks it’s beer…

We’d all love to know what you decide before the dinner….well, at least I would, so I know what to open…

Dammit, Yoni. Now that others know you’re the other Berserker I’m going to get nothing but recs. for apple juice, grape juice, and Manischewitz. Thanks a lot.
