What the Heck to do with 3L of . . . [Plagued by Camus]

Last Bottle had them one day, as I recall.

OK, that’s just plain funny right there, Seth!

I know some people that will pay lots of money for that. They are all sold at the winery.

Do you have a spinnaker you want to dye purple?

and you’re smiling??? [cry.gif]

Sell it to the high bidder?

Well, yeah, but I don’t think Robert bought it…did he?

Heck no! But, I did hear it could fuel my runs and improve my runnng pace!

Perhaps send it to Steamtown so they can lubricate the locomotives with?

Robert, it occurs to me that if you don’t have a Coravin yet, now is the time to invest in one. Imagine your delight at being able to check in on this beauty and pour yourself a glass every year…for the next twenty years.

Good times, my friend. Good times.

Not following. I thought this wine was fully mature on February 14, 2015, and came with a “born on date” label.

Man, now I have to get one of my own. Dammit!

sushi party

Imagine the possibility for our marathon training . . . .

Not that I’d run another one!

Something is wrong with this picture but I just can’t put a finger on it…

Just arrived at the dinner party. It appears that I am being stalked by this wine. How much of this crap did they make!?! Lol.

You have to try it, perhaps it will surprise you.

Probably not, though.

Once again my wine is the red-headed stepchild. I’m standing in a corner, by myself, drinking my beloved thin weedy crap.

Must be a helluva party if you’d rather post here than mingle.

I know Anton was joking, but they make well past the quarter million case count of this wine in 750ml. They also made “limited edition” liter bottles to which we were restricted to buying no more than 150 cases. Additionally, the “signed” 3 liter bottles which we limited ourselves to about 50.

Anyhoo, we sold through the 750s in a few months, just started promoting the liters (sold 10 cases to one guy), and have been allowing special customers to purchase the doubles. We have 2 or 3 remaining.

I would like to take this moment to thank the Wagners for printing all that money for us.


Can you please re-edit the edit of your initial title to read “Plagued by Camus?” The literary guy in me would be very happy.

