Um..WOW! RPjr's love letter to Lyle Fass, A. Feiring and fellow travelers...

He must have drunk ALL of those bottles:

“no precious sommelier trying to sell us some teeth enamel removing wine with acid levels close to toxic, made by some sheep farmer on the north side of his 4,000-foot foot elevation vineyard picked two months before ripeness, and made from a grape better fed to wild boar than the human species…we all know the type-saving the world from drinking good wine in the name of vinofreakism…”

Happy for Pierre and Charlotte that Bob visited and gave good reivew. Sad because it will be that much harder to get a reservation. Bibou had been somewhat off the radar (though it has received all sorts of accolades)." onclick=";return false;

Bob’s rant/glowing review will no doubt get it a lot more publicity. As soon as I saw this picture hit Twitter last night, I thought to myself, wow is he bombed in that picture. Maybe he had not sobered up when he wrote that jumble of words.

A world without WA:

“no precious critic trying to sell us some stomach lining removing wine with acid levels close to zero, made by some lifestyle vintner on his flat valley floor vineyard picked two months after ripeness, and made from a grape better fed to wild boar than the human species…we all know the type-saving the world from drinking good wine in the name of vinofreakism…”

Well, if you’re RP and you’re drinking swill like the 82 Haut Brion and the 91 La Landonne, then I’m pretty sure you don’t need a sommelier, either!

Can you imagine being a poor sommelier waiting on RP and being asked to recommend something local, interesting, and obscure? [snort.gif]


if that quote is real, he has officially lost it.

and bibou is pretty good, but nowhere near as good as the press indicates. it’s rather comical actually. it’s cute and small and the owners seem nice. but the food is rather ordinary and the ingredients aren’t spectacular.

RP would also like to add:

“Get off my lawn!”

Thinking of Clint in Gran Torino . . . .

Actually, I think the quote is quite funny, and not in the sense of laughing at it. It makes it very clear what he is talking about, it is direct and to the point, and it clearly stakes out a position. What would be interesting would be to do a statistical analysis of his ratings versus published ph levels to see if he can even tell the difference. Maybe some day when I have some free time (what’s that? free time?).

Wow. If that quote is real…

It’s like watching a car wreck. We’re witnessing the fall of Rome.

Perhaps the biggest shame of it all is how many people outside of the US will read that quote and associate Robert Parker with the American wine drinker.

I think everyone here just assumes that Robert Parker is a household name. I asked around today (including people that I know drink a least a bottle a week) and only found two people who even knew the name, and one of those said" oh yeah the author" Most people that aren’t as geeky as we are here just look at the score on the shelf and see WS or WA and don’t even really pay attention to the critics name.

Wouldn’t it be great if Bob was saying these things just to F**K with all of us as he sits back and laughs

If he really said that, what a bombastic, attention-seeking tool.

At some point, someone will jump into this thread and admonish WB for being nothing more than a “Bash Parker” board.

That ellipsis-laden drivel is the kind of pablum that would embarrass any wine lover with a sense of shame or an appreciation of diversity.

Is it possible - not likely, but at least possible - that RP is on some kind of J. Phoenix performance art long-term bender in which he’s in cahoots with filmmakers who want to know how long the wine-loving world will take him seriously?

The quote is real, unless someone hacked into his ebob account, it is on ebob right now in food and wine.

I could care less what he thinks, if you don’t know his style by now, then this might come as a surprise. His pimping of what he likes is no different or less passionate than what Lyle or Keith profess to love.

Thankfully it is my choice to choose what I like, and use all the above’s opinions as a guide, not a bible in a vinous holy war.

Back to regularly scheduled programming, you Parker Bashers! newhere

Well, one of these days you fools will realize that there is no middle ground between cough syrup and verjus!

I’m always a bit sad.

That’s exactly what he’s doing. Not sure why he wanted to make the transition from wine criticism to Internet trolling, but there you have it.

Couldn’t help but notice Parker had a Lopez de Heredia in his lineup. Maybe he was inspired by Alice’s book.

That might be better than being an alpine vigneron considering whether to feed your underripe crop to a herd of feral swine.


Couldn’t help but notice Parker had a Lopez de Heredia in his lineup. Maybe he was inspired by Alice’s book.

I think he’s been drinking them a lot longer than she has. I also don’t think that particular one was from his own cellar. But who knows.

Yeah, no doubt.