Trying To Understand Palates on This Board . .

Okay - but how do you drink your coffee?!?!?

I only drink biodynamically-grown natural coffee.

I didn’t like coffee for 35 years of my life. Then my wife got me drinking frappacinos (I know). Then I moved into iced coffees with vanilla syrup and creamer. Now I like to taste the chocolate and nuttiness in my coffee. I still add vanilla syrup, but I find myself requiring less and less cream. I guess my journey with coffee has been similar to my journey with wine. Started off with Moscato (cant even stand it now), moved into zinandel and red blends, and now I love Rhone wines and wines with purity, complexity, and texture.

Thanks for ‘playing’ - so do you then only drink your coffee iced or also hot?



I drink iced coffee during summer time and hot coffee when its cold (below 75)

I’m in this camp as well. Never any sugar, never any milk cream if the coffee is good, but if it isn’t very good then I will add milk/cream.

And your hot coffee now without any creamer or sugar?

Been drinking coffee since age 15 or so, and definitely started in the mocha end of the spectrum…around late 20s had some epiphanies around good espresso with an obsessed friend and then shortly afterward a Kenya pour over at Grumpy in New York. I have been drinking black coffees and espressos ever since. I dabble in pour over and French press at work, but the beans really matter. And once you get a taste for the stuff, there is no such thing as “light roast”. It is either roasted appropriately (eg brown and dry after roasting) or overdone (black and/or oily). If the beans aren’t dry after roasting, you are only tasting char. As of the past couple years, I have found that I strongly prefer natural process coffees and that the process matters more to me than the origin… sound a bit like wine?


Yep, definitely similar my friend


Nope. Black coffee is gross

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All I can say is that my coffee preferences are as varied as my wine preferences, and there is not an answer that makes sense for me in this poll.

I can’t say that I am surprised.

I don’t think there’s any relationship between coffee and wine in my tastes. I’m not nearly as picky about coffee, though I do value great coffee.

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I feel sad that Baileys, brandy, whiskey etc. were all excluded as potential contributions to the morning Joe.

And even though it sounds weird, some (often ex Navy) add a pinch of salt to their coffee.


I hear you - as I said, there are always outliers :grinning: But again, it comes down to whether or not you can ‘enjoy’ your hot coffee black without anything in it or whether you ‘have to’ put something in it. Pretty simple premise, right?


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Well THAT categorizes you for sure!!!

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Simple but meaningless.

I am surprised and disappointed in you Larry.

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My guess is that even though you are not ‘picky’ about your coffee, you can drink it black and enjoy it as such? Keep it simple, my friend . . .

You are correct Larry. My new machine gives a really nice crema so the steamed milk to make a macchiato is not absolutely needed. But I still like it!

Espresso. Cappuccino preferred, macchiato is fine. Straight espresso is usually too much. When I’m home I make a cappuccino & then put a shot of espresso in it.
Italian coffee w/out anything in it is good too.
Straight American coffee I dislike.
I don’t like any of it steaming hot either.

For about 50 years, the only coffee I drink is espresso, with nothing in it. I do not like brown water.

Dan Kravitz

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