Traveling to Chicago July 27-28th

Late notice, but anyone interested in opening a few bottles the evening of the 27th?

I should be available. Where in the city will you be?

Great! Likely downtown but definitely flexible. Have a deep cellar of burg, bordeaux, napa, and northern rhone. Feel free to DM me to coordinate and also feel free to invite others.

Chicago here also, in downtown as well. Would love to coordinate something!

Excellent! I am relatively unfamiliar with the restaurant scene in Chicago these days (been 10+ years since I lived there), so definitely feel free to take the lead on coordinating dinner reservations. We could probably go ahead and get something on the books and then confirm final headcount a day before or so with the restaurant in case other WBers want to join. Looking forward to it!

We put together a group of folks in May, and we went to a restaurant in Lincoln Park called Vinci which has no corkage fee if the wine is 10 years or older…it was a cool way to try older wines, and save the $30-$50 corkage fee most places charge.

I am happy to make the reservation for 6 people and update it up/down depending on final headcount

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Perfect - that works for me. Looks like 3 of us so far, but let’s see if others are interested. Happy to do a theme (Bordeaux 10+ years, Napa 10+ years, etc.) or can do an assortment or regions as well. Should be fun!

I am good with an assortment, 10+ years. I can get some 80s/90s Napas (good years only!) fairly easily.

Sounds good - happy to supply an older Bordeaux as well (could do something like a 1982 GPL or a younger adolescent from mid 1990’s or early 2000’s)

That sounds good! I won’t say no to 82 GPL!

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you can pencil me in. Should be around, but will confirm a week out.

I don’t know if this is in bad form, and you certainly can tell me if it is, as I’ve never attended a WB in person event before, I’m a bit newer to this world. I happen to be traveling for work to Chicago for a couple of weeks and will be in the city during this time (which is how i found this thread, I was looking for things to do while there). I would love to have the chance to meet some of you all off line. I don’t think I’ll be able to bring anything however, unless someone can point me to a wine shop in the city or I would be happy to provide some money towards the wines being shared. If this isn’t appropriate to do, I completely understand if you’d rather I not join this outing.

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Hi Liz, this is not at all bad form - we are more than happy to have you join us for dinner on the 27th. A few wine shops I would recommend would be:

  • Binny’s (large wine store in Chicago, there are many located throughout the city)
  • Verve Wine (in Lincoln Park, near the restaurant)
  • Flickinger Wines (somewhat close to Downtown)
  • Chevalier Fine Wines (in the Chicago suburbs)

The latter three should have a good selection of older (10+ year) wines, assuming you want to go that route. Binny’s is a massive big-box wine shop, so it would have some older wines (location dependent) but often skews younger/more recent releases. However, the selection of wines is larger than that of Verve/Flickinger/Chevalier.

Looking forward to this! I have a +1 who is interested in joining as well (he’s not on WBers but will be in Chicago that week). Seems like we have a good group forming! I know I mentioned a 1982 GPL as a possibility but also happy to go in another direction if others would prefer too so let’s coordinate bottles as we get closer.

Liz… assuming I can make it, I can bring a bottle for you.

All… if it’s Vinci, why not so Italian wines 10 years or older (may not fit folks cellars?)

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I’ll bring an older Bdx as well.

As far as timing, how would 6 PM work for everyone?

If we’re doing Italian, I might be able to come up as well, assuming there’s room. (I was not eager to repeat the tasting we did last month, though it was a very enjoyable one.)

6pm works fine for me. If we also bring some older Italians, we could do separate flights throughout the evening between BDX and Italians. For my non-WB friend, I could bring an Italian on his behalf, and then also bring the older BDX for myself.

Thanks, Clayton. I appreciate that. I will try to make it to a wine store on Monday or Tuesday evening after work events to see if i can find something that works. If i have any trouble, I’ll reach out and let you know.

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