Traveling to Chicago July 27-28th

6 PM works for me

That sounds like a good plan!

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Hi all, can someone please make a reservation at Vinci?

I am unsure if I can now make it, and the reservation is under my name. So can someone please make it in their name?

Hey Kevin, no problem, I’ll take care of it.

Looks like I can’t make it this week. Sorry!

No problem Clayton!

Right now for headcount I have:

J. Smallwood





Possibly Kevin


Yep - and +1 (non WBer), Sergi. I’ll be bringing the 1982 GPL with me and an 09 Tuscan (cab / merlot blend) as well

To be clear, I am definitely not a definite and it’s now looking more unlikely–thanks for pulling together and I hope another time (maybe also at a different restaurant?:slight_smile:

Just to confirm - still good for tomorrow at 6pm at Vinci? Looking forward to it!

Sorry, I can;t make this–maybe some other time again with Chicago crew…

I will be there

Yep! See you all then. Reservations are under my name.

Just confirming I will not be in attendance. I had a previous conflict arise, yet likewise became ill two days ago. So I must now skip both engagements, including this one.

Not a prob - I am tracking 15 min or so late too

I’m here when you get here!

Had a great a time! Thanks guys!