TNs: #rieslingstudy: beat the 13 Keller Abts Erde

A few riesling enthusiasts gathered together for dinner to drink some riesling

Theme was beat the 2013 Keller Abts Erde.

Everyone brought a dry riesling to throw into the mix. We had the somm sort out the order and did everything blind. Not knowing which rieslings were being opened or who brought them.

Non-blind aperitifs:

2019 Muller-Ruprect riesling trocken- I’ve quickly become a big fan of this producer after discovering them through source material. Not the most complex wine, but was just fun drinking. Light, citrus forward and zesty.

2001 JJ Prum W-S kabi- the bar was quickly raised when this followed shortly. Loomi, peach blossoms, petrichor, peach blossoms with the signature Prum sponti still there. Clean and light on the palate. Beautifully aged kabi

2020 Egon kabi- this is just mineral water with a tinge of citrus and watercress spritzed on it. So delicate and refreshing.

We then dove into the dry blind flights

Flight 1: 09 Keller Morstein v. 09 E-S Fruhlingsplätzchen trocken (what is now the Fruhtau cuvee).
Both seemed a touch tired to me. The 09 Morstein had a touch more heat on the nose and the palate. The E-S was a bit brighter and a better mid-palate concentration. E-S edged it out to me, but some preferred the Morstein.

Flight 2: 17 Keller Kirchspiel v. 19 Battenfeld-Spanier Frauenberg
Kirchspiel always seems to be my least favourite Keller GG. A touch smoky and herbal with some tropical fruits. More than a few were guessing Keller. Surprisingly though, I found it much less precise that the Battenfeld-Spanier. The Battenfeld-Spanier had loads of crushed rocks and minerals on the nose and great mid-palate density that pushed it above the Keller for me.

Flight 3: 2018 PJK Lenchen vs. 19 Wittmann Morstein
The PJK had an obvious oak influence to it, but not enough to make it off-putting.I’ve found he Wittmann bottles are always inconsistent and having tried another bottle of 19 Morstein recently, upon having the bottle revealed it made me think the one that was opened was not a representative bottle. Wittmann still edged out the PJK by a good deal in my book though

Flight 4: 13 Becker kabi halbtrocken v. Nikolaihof Steiner Hund (forgot to jot down the vintage). Both super tired and borderline undrinkable. A few of us poured most of our pours out.

Flight 5: 13 Keller Abts Erde vs. 13 Keller Pettenthal
Both drop dead gorgeous and pretty much everyone at the table was guessing both were Kellers, though I think the room was evenly split between liking one vs. the other. The Abts edged the Pettenthal for me though. Before the reveal we were all saying that if one of those wasn’t Keller there was going be a run on whatever wine that was. Bummed it was my last bottle of 13 Abts Erde, but what a joy was it to drink this bottle and share it with friends. A stunning wine in a great drinking window. I now need to track some more down.

Flight 6: 20 Schafer-Frohlich Fruhlingsplatzchen vs. 21 Keller VdF
Despite a friend’s attempt to throw me off by opening the bottle 36 hours, the classic S-F sponti notes stood out like a sore thumb. I typically don’t particularly mind the S-F sponti, especially in more recent vintages where it seems to be less aggressive and offensive. Delicious wine, but not meant to be consumed anytime soon. The 21 VdF was not particularly great with many of us were discussing if we were even in Germany.

We then moved on to some pradikat wines and I stopped taking mental notes. Though 2015 Ohligsberg Auslese** and Schubertslay Auslese that were generously opened and shared were both stunning and probably the showstoppers of the evening. Crystalline wines, that blind, I think most would struggle to remotely guess spatlese, let alone auslese. I think the room stopped in silence for a few minutes while we tasted these. What a treat it was to try Julian Haart auslesen for the first time.


But i thought 2021 VDF was the best ever version (like 19 and 20 before it… :grin:)


I’m already on the record as saying I prefer the 20 VdF to 21, but I was not the only one shocked when it was revealed.

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Mosel Fine Wines(Nr.65) had a 2013 Retrospective in the last issue.
First positions;

2013er Georg Breuer Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling 01 14 98
2013er Keller Westhofener Brunnenhäuschen Abts E® Riesling Trocken GG 37 14 98
2013er Georg Breuer Rauenthaler Nonnenberg Riesling 03 14 97+
2013er Dr. Bürklin-Wolf Forster Kirchenstück Riesling Trocken GG 45 14 97
2013er Dönnhoff Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Riesling Trocken GG 30 14 97
2013er Dönnhoff Schlossböckelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Trocken GG 28 14 96
2013er Schäfer-Fröhlich Bockenauer Felseneck Riesling Trocken GG 21 14 96


Awesome notes! Very jealous of the Haart Schubertslay. What was the vintage?

Both Haart auslesen were 2015


My first thought as I read the report this morning was, ‘sh!t, that’s gonna making sourcing more 13 Abts a lot harder now…’

Disappointed nobody threw the g-max in there just to beat the abtserde!

Thanks for setting that up, Rodrigo. It was a lot of fun and a pleasure to meet everyone.

I thought the latter 3 Keller GGs were fairly easy to identify. The biggest surprise to me is how much more I like the Absterde than the Pettenthal. I didn’t have it as close as you did - I had the Absterde as one of those special GGs and while the Pettenthal was no slouch, the Absterde was kaleidoscopic, ever-changing and really beautiful. The other big surprise for me is how much I disliked the '21 von der fels. Really didn’t do it for me. I had roughly the same impression of the '09 Morstein that you did - a bit tired and too much heat. I wasn’t as high on the Battenfeld as you were. I typically love the wines, but felt like it opened up somewhat oddly and thought we were about to reveal some new natural German producer that I’ve never heard of before. Egg on my face on that one. I think the Julian Haart wines showed well. I didn’t find the botrytis that I expected in the Ohilgsberg ** (but often don’t in Julian’s wines). I liked the schubi quite a bit. Egon’s kabi was great. I’m sure it will age beautifully but its got a lot to make it worth opening right now. I didn’t spend enough time with the Morstein but I think its pretty good. Kudos to those who nailed the S-F. Not one of his wines that I focus on every year but I think it is very much worth owning the '20.

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Great tasting and some very big surprises. I really wish I could have attended. My pick to best the 13 Abts Erde which is one of my all time favorite wines would have been 13 Emrich Schonleber auf der lay 10 years from now it will be G-Max.

Quite a night!

A bit surprised to hear about both your impressions on the 2021 VdF as the bottle I opened in September was terrific. Hopefully other bottles you have in the future will be more like that one :clinking_glasses:

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Looks like a wonderful tasting, sad not to have been able to make it. I remain curious what the 2013 Schaefer-Frohlich wines would have been like next to the Kellers.

13 AdL would have been an awesome wine to have in the lineup. We will do a beat the G-Max dinner one of these days

The handful of 13 Schafer Frohlich wines that I’ve been able to taste (many shared by you) were all really lovely. Sadly Schaefer Frohlich is a producer that only came on my radar relatively recently, so I don’t have any of their older wines.

There were plenty of wines that I would have loved to have in the tasting. From older Schafer-Frohlich and Emrich Schonleber to Breuer Schlossberg, and maybe even some of the Markus Molitor Doctor Auction white capsule wine. It’s tough to be completely comprehensive though.

[quote=“Rodrigo_B, post:13, topic:299952, full:true”]The handful of 13 Schafer Frohlich wines that I’ve been able to taste (many shared by you) were all really lovely. Sadly Schaefer Frohlich is a producer that only came on my radar relatively recently, so I don’t have any of their older wines.

There were plenty of wines that I would have loved to have in the tasting. From older Schafer-Frohlich and Emrich Schonleber to Breuer Schlossberg, and maybe even some of the Markus Molitor Doctor Auction white capsule wine. It’s tough to be completely comprehensive though.

Absolutely, there are always more wines it would be nice to add. I’ve got more 2013 S-F, we can always do it again.

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Plenty of older Emrich here. Bit more notice next time and we’re in.

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You and Johnathan were one of the first people I invited as soon as I set the date for the dinner (as was Robert and Greg), but unfortunately the whole dinner was a bit last minute in nature.

Next one will have more advance notice for all


Yes, two of us had coincidentally set up a big dinner months ago on a surprisingly similar theme, as you know. Too much wine, not enough time!

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I need to start planning dinners more than two or three weeks out. It’s often just not enough heads up time for folks. One would imagine I’ve have learned my lesson by now… :man_facepalming:

Your dinner also looked like a lot of fun

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Exciting event. Thanks for the notes
I find it weird that the 2009 Keller Morstein was tired
Also Frühlingsplätchen btw

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„I find it weird that the 2009 Keller Morstein was tired„

YES, it’s puzzling.