TNs: #rieslingstudy: beat the 13 Keller Abts Erde

Regarding 2021 vdF, this happens sometimes with wines. We had the same disappointing experience also last autumn regarding a highly praised/rated 2021 GG at a GG-arrival tasting.

P.S. if somebody want to sell his 2021 vdF bottles, I will buy everything.

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It definitely wasnā€™t the best bottle of the 2009 morstein. Itā€™s my fourth time with the wine, and while Iā€™ve never loved it, it has never before been quite this easy to dismiss. Nonetheless, I thought the alcohol was too prominent and that isnā€™t just bottle variation. Regarding the von der fels, Iā€™m interested to see what happens to it over time. Usually part of what makes von der fels so wonderful is that itā€™s leaner and not quite as rich as the GGs - I donā€™t really think of them as substitutes for one another but different wines with different purposes. This bottle showed incredibly fleshy and forward and had a fundamentally different fruit profile than anything that came before it. It occurred to me that we might have moved on to Austrian gruner. I donā€™t think the big surprise was that it was highly rated or praised (which frankly I wasnā€™t really aware it was) but that it was Kellerā€™s von der fels. It didnā€™t play to type.


As Alex noted, it was definitely not the best bottle of 09 Morstein. Talking to the somm about it, he noted a descent amount of the cork was soaked through when he opened the bottle.

As for the 21 von der fels, it was not the best showing of 21 VdF I had, but it was also not too different from the 6 or so times I tried it. Namely, to me, the 21 VdF has always come across as riper and tinged with a touch more RS than what Iā€™d care for in a dry riesling. Time will tell how the wine will change, and I hope it does for the better. For now, I continue to prefer the 20 VdF. Iā€™ll continue to hold onto my bottles though

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