TN: I Still Hate Champagne

Fear not - at least one person got your reference. :slight_smile:


Cole Porter song. I Get a Kick Out of You - Wikipedia

Report to the Lyricist thread for further shaming.


What key did Cole sing it in?


Alex, the point of the post was not that Champagne goes with pizza, rather that everybody likes pizza and Champagne.

Love Fred and Ginger!

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We get a kick out of you too, Anton !

Yaacov, is that you?

That’s okay. Someone who says that they are gone to corner the market, price notwithstanding, sounds like someone who has not as yet checked into pricing.

I have. I’m ok with it. In fact, I’m ok with it at a significant premium to market.

I’ve got 3 bottles of the Rose that I can let you have for $700 per.

I don’t have an opinion about Champagne, other than it’s generally more expensive than I want for a wine that I have no opinion about.

Thanks, cheaper at thatchers but they will only sell one bottle. I won’t have any problem buying a ton in any event.

This is actually not always true, other than the fact that it’s almost always more expensive than I want.

i think we may be using “richness” differently.

certainly not, champagne and pizza is a superb match.

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We frequently have Champagne and pizza…just not pepperoni pizza.

rose champagne!

Hmm…will report back! (though I already have a wine I love to drink with pepperoni pizza…)

Well come on! Tell us what you drink with PP.

Idlewild Flora and Fauna Red Wine - fantastic pizza wine, regardless of toppings

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