TN: Dois Irmaos 2008 or Garagiste Pinot Noir Mystery Wine #22

  • 2008 Garagiste Pinot Noir Mystery Wine #22 - USA, Oregon, Willamette Valley (1/10/2012)
    Dois Irmaos. The worst pinot noir I’ve ever tasted. Totally devoid of aromatics, character, or any sense of enjoyment. I got a full refund on this wine so it is completely free to me, yet still offensive that it was offered as a 94 point gem from Oregon. Shame on you Garagiste for shitting on Oregon and getting fooled into dumping this on so many people. Shame. How would you feel if a wine that was touted as the best from your region was a total fraud and obtained from a desperate wine maker, a poly tank and spiced with oak chips and chemical fixes to be revived? (60 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker

My least favorite of three Mystery wine OR pinots I purchased from Garagiste (the other two being the 2007 Stoller JV Estate and 2008 Patton Estate). Somewhat better on Day #2, but I have to agree that my OR pinot dollars are better spent on other wines in the sub-$20 tier (notably, the $17 2008 WIllamette Valley Winery Pinot at Vons/Ralphs).

How was it possible to make such crap in 08?

I have no love for this wine myself, but a 60? Its better than that. Seems an attempt at negative hyperbole to match the level of rimmermans own. I’d be curious curious to see blind notes.

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We can arrange that.

Bullshit. Scott – this wine has nothing going on at all. I am past all the negative feelings and this is not about getting back at anyone. I had 5 of these sitting there since months ago when originally bought and tasted the wine and got a full refund. Tonight was just about checking in to see how the wine is doing. I have purchased wine from Jon since and will do so again, but this wine is shit.

Thought I bought that. Turns out the Patton was delivered. Gave two as gifts, and kept one. Glad I get to drink that over the Irmaos, but only sorta.

Mine are still in my office - I gave them to office services for office happy hours.

How did you sweet talk 'em into shipping here? And did you get any of that Ramey Larkmead they offered recently?

I actually just called them before the shipping season, pointed out that I’d had issues with other retailers, and asked if they could ship. They said yes. I stopped asking questions after that.

I did get a three pack of the Ramey Larkmead, 3 pattons, 3 JJ Prums, 3 Faively Mazis Chams. They still owe me a bunch of Huet, and a couple other things that didn’t ship

I would imagine Bob Wood has an unlimited supply of this.

Nah, it doesn’t sound as though it’s shitty enough. [berserker.gif]

Somehow, Montinore managed.

If you’re looking for bargain pinot, I’m seeing quite a bit of the 2009 McKinlay around for $14. Matt always made respectable wine but he’s kind of been off the radar for a few years. I suspect it’s a great deal for the money.

I have some of the 09 McKinlay. Decent juice and even better considering the price. I pick up a lot of tobacco in it and it’s pretty restrained for an 09.

The Patton was solid, I think you will be happy with it.

Is this Patton Valley?

yeah. 2008 Patton Valley (I think)

Mystery Wine 20 was 2008 Patton Valley Estate.
It did not blow me away, esp. as a 2008, but was certainly well worth the $20.
For the $35 winery asking price, I think there are several better values.

I’ve had the Dois Irmaos twice, courtesy? of a friend who doesn’t read this board, and thus accepted his order.
The first time it was unexceptional, but drinkable, barely. The second time it fell well below that threshold.
There was something vegetal in a way that did not bring to mind unripeness or stem inclusion. The only comparison I can make is a notorious bottle of Corniliesson Munjebel.

My friend ran into Jon down at Garagiste a few weeks ago when he was picking up more wine. When commented to Jon on the disappointing Dois Irmaos, Jon suggested that if my friend did not like the wine, he had others buyers who would love to take it. So there you are, folks who are on the fence about sending the wine back. Take Jon at his word, and do him a favor.

P Hickner

Not sure why the wine didn’t deliver…it’s hard to imagine the seller might have raised expectations through the use of exaggeration or hyperbole.