Thnxgvn Thread - Let's start it now.

Looks good to me!

Made gnocchi for the first time(second in a day). The first batch I made was really sticky. When cooked it was a bit too starchy.

So I followed another recipe and video from Jamie Oliver and it came out great before I cooked it. Nice structure, sliced it like bread. Then I boiled it and it all disintegrated :frowning:. Thought I got good structure without needing too much flour. Guess I needed more. Sigh


Finished Turkey:

Did a 12 hour brine and then dropped the parts in my sous vide machine. Got
Color on the bird by placing the parts in 3" of peanut oil and frying them. Very good bird. In fact I’d actually do it more often. Made a nice stock out of the carcass for stuffing and gravy. Both were excellent.