Thnxgvn Thread - Let's start it now.

so asian. [snort.gif]

Kalbi. Lots of Kalbi.

I take it back Mark, joe is more asian.

11 people. I’m the cook.

16 pound turkey, brined, roasted, nothing too fancy
Peppered pork, celery, sage stuffing
Garlic mashed potatoes
Perfect gravy
Veg TBD (sister-in-law)
Salad TBD (different sister-in-law)
Store-bought dollar buns (mother-in-law)
Pumpkin pie
Pear and ginger pie

Riesling and Cotes-du-Rhone, both TBD

12 people. I’m the cook. Everyone else will be backseat driving.

Brined turkey cooked to perfection. It will still suck - there’s no such thing as good turkey. :frowning:
Mashed taters - meh.
Sweet potatoes in brown sugar! YAY!
Creamed onions.
Stuffing - my Grandmother’s recipe. it is THE BEST!!!
Pumpkin pie. Blech…
Mama’s Pecan Pie! Double YAY!!!

Oregon pinot, California cab., Lagavulin 16.

We travel to Oakland every year for a potluck…

I bring wine. My wife makes her insanely good chocolate bundt cake with raspberry coulis, which has always managed to survive the flight from Chicago.

And there will be (17 or more people), eating…

Some extraordinary soup
A very large smoked turkey
Normal celery/onion/sage dressing
Oyster/pork dressing
Whipped yams
Killer roast brussel sprouts
Some other green vegetable
Salad for the weirdos
A couple of cranberry dishes
Pecan pie
Pumpkin pie
Pecan and walnut tartlets
Various homemade ice creams

Lots of wine.

Followed on Friday by lunch at Celadon and dinner at Farm, and dinner at Jardiniere on Saturday.

We are blessed, and will give thanks.

I am the primary chef for 14. Started tonight with making a stock for my gravy. We are having:
Roast Turkey with Citrus and herbs
Roasted garlic mashed potatoes
Brussels with bacon and shallot
Salad with maple pecans, flame raisins, blue cheese, Bosc pears on chard and kale
Cheddar chive biscuits
Honey sage cornbread

Others are brining:
Creamed Spinach
Sweet potatoes with mallows
Cranberry and orange

Chess pie
Pecan pie
Pumpkin pie

Dava has her left arm in a sling from rotator cuff surgery, I was wondering about the timing of that, so I am doing the entire meal this year.

Wet brined, BGE smoked 18# Turkey
Wine Glazed Vegan Brussels Sprouts
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Traditional Orange Jello Mold w/Pineapple Chunks and Shredded Carrots (I have to)
From scratch, crust and all,
Pumpkin Pie
Sonoma Blackberry Pie

Turkey is brining!
Fresh picked Brussels Sprouts
Only 6 of us this year, one is pregnant and another is on pain meds, so there won’t be a lot of wine.

Have a 2010 Copain Baker Ranch Syrah and a 2007 Holdredge Lovers Lane Syrah
And a Magnum of Anchor Brewing Special Ale

Here’s another traditional Thanksgiving/Christmas dish at my house -

Mama’s Corn Pudding: Thanksgiving sides: Please post your finest! - Epicurean Exploits - Food and Recipes - WineBerserkers

Brian, all the more Holdredge for you!

Bob, I have made that corn pudding, too. Love it.

Are you implying there’s such a thing as imperfect gravy? We’ll also require your recipe, TIA.

I would argue there is ONLY imperfect gravy. Gravy perfection has never been achieved, anywhere, any time. The best I have ever made was only “very good” :wink:

Agreed. Gravy’s only reason for existence is to cover up overcooked breast meat.

Roasting pan juices FTW!

I suppose gravy falls in the same camp as…

peach cobbler in the South
potica in Northern Minnesota and the UP
lobster roll in New England

Everyone finds something to like/not like about it no matter how good it is

Mama’ pecan pie (with chocolate)

Looks great, Mel. Nice color.




My extended family is doing a Chinese Thanksgiving potluck, so the turkey will be next to stewed beef tendons, next to braised octopus, next to lamb stew.
My contribution is a faithful (as best as I could) reproduction of Ivan Ramen from his recent cookbook.

After 10-15 hours of prepping the various components, here is my practice bowl for lunch. I killed it in two minutes. Have to work a bit on presentation.

Sorry for the bad photo, I had to take it quick with my Blackberry.

Nice deck!