Thnxgvn Thread - Let's start it now.

This will be the first time I get to be the primary chef, and we’re going pretty simple (cooking for 3) - Herb rubbed roast turkey breast, twice baked potatoes, stuffing from a bag. Our one concession to our culinary curiousity will be a “homemade” green been casserole - blanched, frozen green beans from our CSA, homemade cream of mushroom soup, and I’ll fry the onion topping myself. I might also add some truffle gouda to the potatoes if I think it will melt OK.

For Thanksgiving proper I’ll be at my cousin’s eating takeout from Wegmans. But on Saturday I’ll be doing a small dinner featuring:

Zuni Roast Chicken
Thanksgivukkah challah/apple stuffing
Roast Persimmon

Acorn Squash w/brown sugar and maple syrup


Pumpkin Pie
Individual Chocolate Souffles
Whipped Cream

Parmesan Sage Roast Turkey with sage gravy, homemade stuffing with mushrooms and a ton of celery, roasted sweet potatoes with pecans and those stupid mini marshmallows (NOT my choice on that one), buttermilk mashed potatoes, green beans, store-bought pies (unfortunately, but that’s what Jen’s Aunt brings every time)

My mother in-law took a spill a few months back and is in a rehab nursing home. We’re going there on Thursday for the buffet. Should be interesting. Saves me from having to pair a wine for the family.

Whatever is being served at L’Atlier Robuchon in Vegas… wonder if they’ll have a special menu…

Heading to a Thanksgiving gathering where each family is bringing a side dish. We usually bring homemade hot dog soup for the kids.

Arrested Development: Cooking with Lindsay - YouTube - SFW

Wednesday is my day to make Thomas Kellers French Onion soup.

Spatchcocked a turkey last night for the Alton Brown preparation. It was easier than I expected. The hardest part was clearing out enough room in the fridge for it to sit for 3 days.

Wow, we are slipping. Two days to the big day and the only other post I remember was for where to source a bird.

MBerto, your traditional but homemade take sounds perfect for three.

Thanksgiving dessert: Mama's Pecan Pie - Epicurean Exploits - Food and Recipes - WineBerserkers

I have been doing turkey day at my house for about eight years now. I don’t deviate from my standard plan since the 2nd year. Obviously the first year was the trial. I’ve been main cook with a few helpers

About 10 adults and 8 children

Cheese plate with assorted fruit
Shrimp with cocktail sauce
Possibility of a third appetizer. New.

15# turkey. Brined overnight. Stuffed with aromatics like apples oranges lemons onion and rosemary
Green bean casserole. Blanched fresh with cream mushroom soup and French onions
Acorn squash with butter and brown sugar
Mashed sweet potatoes
Mashed regular potatoes
Homemade icebox dinner rolls.

Homemade apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Homemade whipped cream

Lots of beer and wine

Yep, I’ll be making one of Mama’s pies
Though, this year I’m going to add some chocolate to the bottom of the pie as a surprise.

I boned out a 12# bird last week and rolled and tied the breasts and roasted that for dinner Saturday night. Served it with mash potatoes, dressing, cranberry relish& gravy made with the stock from the turkey bones (and extra turkey necks)

The boned out legs and thighs were chilled & ground for turkey chili (which we are having tonight)

Served my HS senior and three of her friends the leftovers from Sat. for lunch today

Wouldn’t be Thanksgiving in Berserkerland without Mama’s Pecan Pie recipe. Look for the applesauce cake one, too.

On the sad side, my buddy Bob was the last to comment in 2012. Miss you, Mr. Wood!

I cook all the time. I’m taking the family to Sun Wah for duck.

Turkey stock is simmering on the stove now. Butterfly-ready turkey in the fridge for Thursday. Rest is easy - roasted sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes. Would love to be able to find fresh English peas, but will have to settle for frozen. Pies are bought (apple from Costco - don’t knock it; pumpkin from Whole Foods this year).

Surprised by the small size of the turkeys being described.
For several years now I do two 25 lb turkeys. One is smoked outside and one is done per the Silver Palate cookbook in the oven. Believe it or not, six of us eat most of it within three days.
A few weeks ago I was sitting at a local Indian restaurant with my legal assistant, and we got to talking with the owner about poultry which lead to talk of turkey which lead to his comment that every year he marinates a turkey in Indian spices for five days then roasts it and his kids love it.
So I asked him the obvious and he agreed, since I am a good customer. He’s had a 25 lb Bowman and Landes since Saturday and I will pick it up tomorrow and cook it on the Weber. Wish I had a huge Tangine though I suspect he cooks his in an oven at home. I have no idea what style of Indian he is doing for the marinade but I aim to find out. The other 25 pounder will again be traditional so those who don’t care for the Indian Gobbler have their turkey.

Mitch, that is 8 pounds of bird per person. Minus bones of course. Are there any sides to this turkey eating weekend?

My daughter is going off with her dad, which is a bit outside our norm, so I have accepted an invitation at a close friend’s. But I have never met his family, and it sounds like there will be plenty of them. I am not even thinking about the food - not a fan of turkey and forget about that green bean thing.

But I am rather excited to be opening some EMH Black Cat from magnum - I have never opened one of my own magnums! So I am full of anticipation of this dinner/event, and will be fussing with all my decanting craziness. Which reminds me, I need to go pull them from the cellar and get them “up.” What fun.
