The Wine Berserkers on Discourse FAQ thread

Not sure I understand the wasted space thing, at least not in comparison to the old site.

Here’s a thread with short posts on old vs new sites side by side:

And here’s a “new posts” style page (using compact / small font on new site):

Yeah, on posts the huge avatars ‘waste space’ for those who complain about it, but they don’t see it - on compact mode definitely it almost exactly emulates the space taken by Legacy WB

Not sure I follow. Long posts old vs new still nearly the same:

Also not sure where you’re suggesting the timeline scroll thing could fit?

Don’t think this is possible - short posts have no space there.

I’m really not sure I should be proud of this - but go into your preferences and choose a new theme: “Get off of my lawn!”

If you don’t see it right away in the drop down, refresh the page…

@ToddFrench @MarshallManning

I’m probably missing the obvious but I don’t see how to go to my first unread post on a long thread. Help?

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The answer is in the ‘helpful tips’ thread sticky, but basically use the ‘speed wheel’ thing - you can move all around a thread quickly with this scroll bar on the right



If you click a thread. It’ll automatically take you to the last unread post.

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Two questions:

  1. When I access the site via a bookmark my iPhone function bar is accessible at the bottom of the screen so I can page back easily. When I access as a homescreen link that bar doesn’t come up. Anyone have a clue?

  2. On the old site you could access your own posts, which was helpful in many instances. I’m not familiar with that as a Discourse option and don’t see it here. Is it available?

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  1. You will want to change your bookmarks, make a new one, as whatever your default was before might not be what it is now. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘iPhone function bar’ - do you have a screenshot?
  2. There are a number of threads on ‘my posts’ - we’re working on that, trying to see what is happening as many have all their posts linked but not all, and obviously THIS group REALLY wants to see their own content :slight_smile:
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The bookmark access is the one that works best. The home page icon is one I just added today. It doesn’t give me the function bar in the attached pic. It has <, >, functions menu(square with up arrow), bookmark icon, tabs icon.

I just tested this and it does not seem to hide the muted user’s posts. Note that the explanation in Preferences - users only says “Suppress all notifications and PMs from these users” - it does not say it will hide their posts.

Click on the user, see this?

Choose Ignored

Nope. Just the first two options showing for me, no “Ignored.”


Dig deeper - click the username, then again, then where it says ‘normal’, click the dropdown

You don’t have that? Might be a ‘permissions’ thing

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You are correct. That is the menu I pasted from. Beneath “Message” I click on “Normal” and the dropdown gives me just the two options - no “Ignored.”


Try now

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Well, lookee there! (Old-time “cheers” emoji here)

it’s because your ‘rank’/trust level was too low - I have to figure out how to get all the more seasoned users to automatically go up in trust level


@ToddFrench add to the list

Can links “preview” the content like Twitter or YouTube?