Shipping season!

I’m jealous. Three bottles. That’s it. I’ve been pretty good* about sticking to my “too old to buy new wine” theme but this thread isn’t helping.

*but not perfect. There are 2 cases of 2016 Bdx futures scheduled to arrive in 2019.

I have too many cases being sent as well. I find it more reliable having them sent to my office. But it’s almost not worth it – the astounded looks from my colleagues about the depth of my addiction and befuddlement that anyone actually needs that much wine. It’s embarrassing to tell you the truth!

Now I’m jealous. I wish it was only 3 bottles.

win/win solution here: ship them to me, i’ll take a one bottle per case fee, and you’ll avoid the embarrassing looks.

same deal good to anyone else as well. just looking out for everyone. [cheers.gif]

“It’s not mine; I am just holding it for a friend.”

Hey, it worked when I was a teen

You know what’s really sad … I’ve tried that line … “Oh, I ordered a bunch of wine for my friends too!” Yeah, right! [snort.gif]

Under the Wire, Lichen, Dirty and Rowdy, Lexington, and a pick-up from Rhys. I thought I was better this year…

Same here. This was less of a problem when I owned my own small practice, but after selling to the University I had some 'splainin to do.

Comments from the staff were more along the lines of “when’s the party?” Management worried that a staffer would get injured moving the boxes. We found a mutually agreeable solution.

You guys just gotta own up to it! I have a wine fridge in my office, stocked. I reward the mailroom guys handsomely - they are now all wine afficionados - for intaking my wines, putting them away and once in a while delivering them to my house or storage! They really do like red wine now, it’s sorta cool.

And my colleagues, they would rather join me than ridicule me!

It’s my wife, that where I gotta hide and seek. :wink:

Over four cases delivered yesterday. I think all of three bottles fall under current consumables.

Ha! My wife encourages my mania; she knows that turnabout is fair play

My wife really complained when I asked for help moving to another storage center. I could not even get my spoiled, entitled son to help. I love the mailroom guys. They may get an inheritance…

Brother, you need to explain the facts of life to the boy.

He could teach me these days, based on the pics he sends me from the frat parties.

39 bottles in, 136 to go. Space will be tight for a while.

Going to be 80 here tomorrow and I’m just down the road from you Neal. How many cases do you have pending from Envoyer? neener

…'member? Almost 5 years ago. (Did you know WB has a “search” function?)

I like the feeling I get when boxes arrive to my office. Of late, I have been cutting back on purchases. So the fun has been somewhat moderated.
When a 6-pack arrives, I wonder what happened to the rest of my order. Where I once bought 12, now arrives only 6. Sometimes, I find only 5 bottles in the box. Still a nice feeling, though.

the admin used to open the boxes thinking it was work related. Now when they see boxes for me they just drop it off unopened.

Now that’s the life.

I know! Envoyer is next week so I am hoping it cools down. Supposed to. Cases. Many cases.