Season in South Florida

If we are blind, mine is white (unless we end up needing red)

15 is a lot of people

We had 13 originally. I mean, I can tell my neighbors not to come if you’d like.

Happy to do whatever the group prefers. I have a magnum of vintage bubbles here and some nice Italian reds. Perhaps both!

I’ve never done a tasting with that many people, so I just want to make sure everyone can try all of the wines with at least a few ounces. But whatever is fine with the group is good with me.

I gotcha - we’ll see how it shakes out. Just need to get nailed down what everyone is bringing style-wise so we don’t have too much overlap.

We used to have 20ish people at the Chas event, so I insisted on 2x per wine. The last few years we’ve had 12ish and 1x works fine.


Here is the revised line up:

@ErnestL (1) - Sparkling
@P_Bennett (1) - White
@Scott_Brunson (2) - White
@david_lazer (2) - Red Italian + Red French
@jp_trevino (1) - Red French
@J_Cangiano (1) - Red Italian
@Mariano_Chiaramonte (1) - Red Italian
@mhgreen (2) - Red Italian (x2) (or magnum of vintage bubbles)

1 Sparkling - Ernest
2 Whites - Philip and Scott
2 Red French - David and Juan Pablo
5 Red Italian - David, Jesse, Mariano, Michael (x2)

For a total of 10 bottles and 11 people.

If that is correct, may I suggest that Michael bring the magnum of vintage bubbles?

Did we decide if we’re doing 11 people or 13 people? If 13, I would suggest that the two additional people bring one white (Italian or French) and one French red. That way, we would have 3 sparkling (counting the magnum as 2), 3 white, 3 French reds, and 3 Italian reds.

Just my thoughts. Happy to do whatever the group decides.

Ernest: I am guessing the missing bottle is one of Scott’s, who said he was bringing two whites.
I originally said red Italian and red French. Then someone who was bringing a red burgundy dropped out and I offered to bring a red burgundy instead of the red Italian. Let me know if you want me to do that or go back to red Italian + red French.

I had only planned one bottle, but can bring more if we really need it.

It’s 13 with my two neighbors coming so just put a 3 next to my name. I’ll have them bring a Red French and I think we’ll be good. I can also bring one more where we’re light in something, but I think we’ll be okay - I can also bring a dessert wine if people want that too

Changing subjects for a minute, is anyone interested in trying a bottle of 2021 001 vintner’s release with @Santiago_Mejia

Didnt know this group existed Ill follow this thread for sure

I’m going to let Roberto know either Monday or Tuesday. Are we set at 13 people final? And are we good with the wines?


Ok we are confirmed for 7pm Thursday. There will be 12 of us.

I’m easy to spot; I have the hair of 1975 Robert Plant (unfortunately the rest of me is more like 2025 Robert Plant).


Reservation is under my name for whoever gets there first. I’m going to try and get there around 6:45 or so to make sure everything is set up and ready to go on the restaurant side of things.

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Should I bring a red burg or red Italian? In addition to red French.

I’m bringing a white Italian and my neighbor coming with me is going to bring a Red Burg

@ErnestL can you do the updated count and wines so we can see if we are missing anything? Thanks!