Retailer Check: Vint Marketplace (Washington, D.C.)

Anything you pre-order (aside from Bordeaux Futures) should be delivered within 365 days. I try to get all of my shipments within a few months of purchase (though some things do take a little longer), and use air freight to ship it in. That’s a business decision that I make.

If you order something and it’s taking 3 years to arrive, then I’m not sure why you would be buying from them at all.

And just to be clear and fair to Vint, nobody has experienced this from Vint as of now.

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Do they have a connection with Saratoga, Larchmont and the Wine Connection? I’ve noticed that when one has a wine, they often all do, usually in the same 6-12 bottle increments.


Same here, except I have only one 6 pack on order.

I admit to some annoyance with Vint so far, as before I ordered in early October I called and asked for a firmer estimate of the delivery window. They told me if I ordered the wine I was interested in quickly it would likely be on the next shipment in mid-Oct, meaning I’d take delivery of the wine in early December. They added that if it missed that boat, it would definitely be on the next one, meaning an early January delivery “at worst”.

When I hadn’t heard any updates by mid December, I called again and asked for an update. I was then told “oh, it looks like it will be on the boat in January, meaning a delivery in February”. When I pointed out that this was later than I’d be told, he told me that couldn’t be true because the deliveries always take this long. So I asked for a full refund, which he refused (politely) to give, and said best case scenario is a 20-25% restocking fee, which he’d have to investigate to see if that was even possible. He said he’d get back to me but I haven’t heard from Vint since.

I guess if there are no further delays and I get the bottles in February, I will be OK with that. But I don’t like this kind of this incorrect information and denial of what I was told (I’m pretty sure it was the same person I spoke to each time), it feels like they don’t know what’s going or don’t care.


Scraping data from live X and when you purchase they purchase. Hence the 6 pack

Ah. So same business model, different margins/expenses. Interesting.

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I find it interesting that if you are a retail outfit, you have net 30 to pay after you’ve received the wine(s) in question but in prearrival scenarios, we as consumers still pay up front and then bear the risk.

Not sure how international puchases work, but can’t someone, somewhere improve upon this?



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Yes, 100%!

I understand the reasons for the lengthy time line, and it is baked into their business model, but are also up front about the timelines on the website.

I said it up above, I got an explanation of their business model, and can say that you can buy with confidence. I get the people get nervous about the time lines, but I think folks will learn over time they will come through and just have to be patient.

This isn’t really the case for prearrival wines, we pay for everything before it’s released to us. The only exception is with some negociants, who might offer terms.


Happy to report I received my first order from Vint, ordered at end of August 2023, delivered this week. 6 of Cos d’Estournel, which I seem to recall being ~10-15% lower than next best price on WS. Was shipping to NY, so when I ordered I requested wine to be placed in storage before shipping to avoid NY sales tax. Shipping was reasonable $5 per bottle. Vint was responsive to my inquiries during the process, which alleviated my concerns as they seemed a new retailer. Will use them again.


I have a 6-pack of 2020 Bouchard ordered in July that still shows as processing. Whatever that means.

In October, I ordered a case of 2020 Desjourneys that apparently just arrived. When I have it in hand, I’ll report back.

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Saw a good deal on Wine Searcher for some champagne. Never bought from them and can’t find any threads on them through the forum.
Anyone have any experience with them?

Search Vint. There have been a couple recent threads on them. Most is only available pre order so it takes around 3 months to boat over from Europe.

@moderators pls merge Retailer Check: Vint Marketplace (Washington, D.C.)

Seems I was searching incorrectly!
Thank you.

Hi Dale - your Bouchard is in stock, you should have received a notification from us, apologies if that did not happen. I see your second order is arriving in the next 10 days (give or take). My colleague Michelle will follow up with you over email.

Many Thanks.

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Awesome. Thanks

Maybe this is a trick everyone else knows, but is getting things stored for some period a way to avoid sales tax? If so that’d be huge - I’d love to learn your methods. I’m in Seattle and pay about 10% sales tax.