Realm Spring Release

My order is in for:

1 Rose
1 Farella
1 Houyi

Wish list 1 Nine suns

On mobile, scroll to the bottom, below Nine Sun for “Fall Delivery, down arrow tab.”

  • To Kalon
    750ml 300$
    1.5L 750$
  • Dr Crane
    750mL 350$
    1.5L 875$
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2nd year for 2 BTKs but still no freakin crane. Thought year 4 would do it. Going to have to hope for wish list. And oddly enough no allocated rose. Very cool label.

Did you guys the nine suns during the 2020 release? I didn’t buy any… which is why I think I wasn’t allocated any?

I did not buy the nine suns during the 2020 release. However, I have been buying relatively large quantities for several years, which probably helped.

Could be, weirdly I was offered BTK and Dr Crane Mag’s. I do by a decent amount from them, but that’s all relative.

All good, They are pretty good about the wish lists, so fingers crossed.

I was offered some Nine Suns x realm but I was only offered wislists for BTK and BDR. I did purchase Nine Suns wine back during the '22 Fall release.

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Can’t help but feel bamboolzed to find out the “access to at least one of our Beckstoffer wines” actually refers to wish-listing. Perhaps this can be communicated a lot better going forward. Hopefully allocation for next vintage will be better.

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3 Fidelio, 3 Rose, 2 Farella, 1 Houyi, 3 Nine SunsxRealm, 1 BTK, & 1 Dr Crane for me

Hi everyone, thanks for all the interest and support. Good feedback here around the fall delivery tab on mobile devices. We are exploring whether we can simply make both spring and fall delivery visible right away…rather than clicking through spring to see fall. We will certainly improve this for next time.

Also appreciate the feedback from some members on use of the word “access” for Beckstoffer wines. We could have been more clear. @J_Liang no intent here to bamboozle you (great word choice, btw!). What we should have written was this. We expanded the availability of a wish request for To Kalon to more members in this release. We did this expecting that we probably could not grant all wish requests, but we also know we have more 2023 To Kalon coming next year (generous vintage, new rows). So the good news out of all this is…we will do our very best to grant as many wish requests as we can this year, and we can almost certainly ensure that a wish request this year translates into a guaranteed allocation next year. I hope that helps clarify.

If a member was allocated the 2020 Rose and didn’t purchase their allocation, it’s possible that member would not receive a guaranteed allocation of that wine in this release. It was first guaranteed for those who purchased previously and then spread around to newer members who didn’t have the option to purchase it previously.

Thanks again for the feedback. Your comments and perspectives make us better and we continue to refine how we manage allocations. Feels great to have a “normal” release again. Keep the comments coming. :pray:


This is a great release. I love the free shipping! These days this can add a ridiculous amount to the purchase…

In for
3 BTK (+1 wish)
4 Crane
1 Fidelio
6 Rose (WL)


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No fall tab at all for me. First allocation tho so makes sense?

For fear of being “that guy” I almost don’t want to ask but does anyone have any review numbers on these wines yet? I love Realm and its wines, but hearing the opinions of the pros sometimes helps steady my nerves when buying juice this expensive.

Both Jeb and Antonio published high scores. Jeb was 95-100 and Antonio was 95-98. That should steady the nerves.

On what lables?

Hi Everybody. Just wanted you to know Jeb has not reviewed the 2022 wines. I emailed him and was told “ He was not presented them for review”. He also said “you have to be careful when selecting 2022 Napa wines to buy as it is a difficult vintage “.

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Interesting - wonder why he said that . . .

But 3 wines in this release are from the 2021 vintage.

I found Jeb to be a very upfront guy. He tells it like he sees it. He had no problem saying don’t buy 2020 Napa wines unless you taste them first. I respect his opinion over most other critics of Napa wines because everyone else is reluctant to say the truth (Vinous).

The two big boys are 2022.