Official Dryuary (Dry January) 2024 Thread

TIL that I must have subconsciously heard the term meatless march somewhere, as I had somehow thought it wasn’t an already coined term.

I am planning/dreading several tests- this year just as experiments to see if they meaningfully impact how I feel. Haven’t figured out any clever names but the mini elimination challenges I am considering (in addition to meatless march) are:

Gluten free month
Dairy free month

I’m following the FODMAP diet to see if I can find any foods causing me issues. It tends to remove dairy and gluten.

Me too! I must have read it somewhere else. I could probably go without red meat for 1 month, but I don’t think I could go full vegetarian.

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That’s okay, you can eat lamb.

Well, Dry January remains on for me until Tuesday at midnight. Since almost everyone (including Patrick) has already finished their annual ritual, I thought I would maintain the tradition of posting a music video. Here’s an oldie but a goodie:

No wine, no problem! I do miss everyone, though.

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Tuesday ain’t bad. I want to come up with a mid-week plan; not necessarily going dry multiple days in a row, but maybe 2 on, 1 off.

My goal is to be damp Thursday through Saturday and mostly dry Sunday through Wednesday. Unlike Dry January, this would not be rigid – more of a loose design to limit consumption to around three times per week.

Same here, still going strong until wednesday.

Also for the mid-week plan, we’re on the same boat - three times a week either Thursday through Saturday or Friday til Sunday as a loose design.

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I enjoy reading this thread every winter. Thank you posters.

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Well, I made it to Day 31, at least 10 pounds lighter and much fitter as a result of hitting the bike trainer nearly every day since January 7.

I do not think I will break my alcohol fast until at least Thursday. As indicated upthread, I intend to try to limit my consumption to three days per week going forward, and since the Super Bowl will be played this Sunday I don’t want to get off completey on the wrong foot.

Anyway, until next January, thanks to all who participated here (even the “dampies”) for sharing your experiences.


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Congratulations! Tonight is my test for not having anything. I drank a nice Oregon Gamay Noir on Sunday and Monday. My wife doesn’t drink, so any time I open something it needs to last at least two days.

Brief update. Did Dry January with two small (known in advance) exceptions detailed upthread. To make up for the exceptions, I extended DJ for a week+ into February. For the most part, I’ve been staying dry during the week (Sun-Thurs). I’ve been combining the lower booze intake with a loose adherence to low carb and IMF. I’ve also been getting in some more exercise than normal. As of this AM, I’m down a bit over 18lbs.


That’s killer, Mike! Congratulations.

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Slightly different tact here. Doing some races in about 2 weeks (5k, 10k, and 10 miler on consecutive days). I started training in late Jan and haven’t had a drink since. Between spring orders, reading the WB boards about what did you drink last night, and staring at my wine through my cellar door, i’m about to lose my mind!! the good news is i’m down about 15lbs as well.

I also can’t decide what bottle to open first. Old, young, new or old world, etc…

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