Official Dryuary (Dry January) 2024 Thread

Well done everyone.
I made a brief pit stop on Sunday night.
Until next year…

On my way to Palm Desert. Let the drinking commence.

Anyone going to the Pinot tasting event in PD this weekend?

Dry January is always a fun one for me since my Birthday is February 2nd… Turning 35 this year and breaking my dry spell Thursday night at Canlis in Seattle. Bringing a bottle of 2017 Raveneau Montée de Tonnerre and will pick a nice red Burg off the list! :tada:


For those who observe, how do you plan on breaking your fast?

I’m going to have a scratch double margarita on the rocks with salt (tequila, freshly squeezed lime juice and agave syrup only).

Wine will be over the weekend. Roast chicken and aged Dujac!

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No wine, no problem!

I’m probably cracking open a beer at midnight. Unlike M-80s, a beer won’t wake up the neighbors. Seriously though, I fell hard asleep from 8:30 to 9:30pm and I’m gonna be wide awake for the next several hours.

I’ll keep watching this thread for those Berserkers who started a bit late.

To everyone else: Congratulations!

I’m not sure how I managed to miss this thread! This is my 5th dry January. The last couple years I’ve upped it and gone between 100-150 days dry. Then I promptly end it with 2 weeks in Italy drinking wine non-stop :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think I’m going to stay dry for a while longer (though the amount of wine I bought on BD day is going to make things very crowded in the house). The weight loss and the amazing sleep from being sober are big enough rewards to ignore this view in front of me every night


Welcome! Nice symmetry.

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Thanks. We designed it ourselves.
We have multiple wine lockers to store the aging stuff (and another wine fridge in my office).

As I mentioned, I’ve been in Israel the past few days and have broken DJ for 3 days. I’ll make up for it when I get home. I was down 10lbs before I left for my trip and have been sleeping much better.

This thread is always a good one every year!

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just completed my 6th Dry January…Have been dry since Mid December when I had a brief bout of Covid…also “dry” spell re buying wine,no purchases since mid December as well…no clue re when I will quench my thirst again or fill any more slots in my wine cellar, will play it by ear.

I am still in the game until 7th of Feb midnight, when we will open a bottle of champagne for my wife’s birthday. Doing o.k. so far, but I am really craving for those bubbles…

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I am on the exact same schedule. We have made it this far, might as well hang in there.

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Today has been the hardest for me, by far. I’m dragging one extra day (I drank on New Years), which means I have to make it through until tomorrow. Friend group is sending me pic after pic of Negronis and Manhattans… and Breaking Bourbon just reviewed the bottle I was saving for tomorrow (2023 Michters 10 year Rye) and gave it 5 stars, which is pretty unheard of. Kicker was that I had bunch planned for tomorrow at a really great local gastropub, but one of the guys needed to pull it forward to today. Iced tea with lemon it was!

I’ll make it, of course, but arrggghhhh.

It’s TECHNICALLY February…

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Congratulations to everyone who made it through!


I’m pretty sure you can do Dryuary:

It’s Meatless March that I’m concerned about . :grinning:

I genuinely could not do that.

I did not do Dry January, but Damp January. And even though the Dampers participating caused some degree of resentment (?), this thread was helpful to me. My wife and I were dry for twelve nights. I will admit that this has never occurred in forty years of wine drinking. The improved sleep was obvious. We would do a few days on and two days dry. I was actually surprised to find that I looked forward to the dry days after a few nights of wine. I am hoping to continue this pattern moving forward.