NYC - June 17th Blind Wine Tasting Dinner

When: Monday, June 17th 5:30 sit down and do their blind white wine flight. The tasting dinner will commence at 6pm. I’ll get there just after 5pm if anyone gets out early; we will order a bottle of Champagne off their menu then.

Requirements: I’ve always been intrigued with how wine evolves over time. For this dinner, please bring two bottles of the same producer, same grape/blend, and ideally the same wine, but they have to be different vintages. Bonus kudos to the person who brings the largest spread. Both should be concealed. This will be a blind tasting. Try to choose wines that express typicity. No dessert wines, but whites or reds are all fair game, and even Champagne. Let’s keep all these wines at high quality level.

Where: Corkbuzz 13 e 13th street (Union Square)

How: When you arrive, please ensure the bottles are concealed (in a bag or aluminum foil or something to cover them). Target amount of people for this dinner will be 10-12, once you go above 12 it can get too unruly, and there won’t be enough wine for each person. Each person will pass their two bottles around and the group will taste them and try to determine what they are–if your bottle shape is extremely unique, ie: SQN, Insignia, etc, please either decant them or move them into a different bottle. Once everyone has tried them we will guess what the grape, region and vintages are. The wines will be revealed each time after the round of guessing. How formal or casual your guesses are will totally be up to you; WSET, CMS, or just winging it are all fine…

Cost: The cost is expected to be around $150. This includes free corkage, and 25% gratuity. They provide all the stems, excellent service and great food.

Why: I’m currently studying for the WSET Diploma, so something like this really appeals to me. These events are also a lot of fun. I hope others feel the same way.

Several people have DM’d me already about this event, so the list has already started. We’ll get a proper list and waiting list started soon.

@PeterB +2
@J_a_y_H_a_c_k +2
@J0hnEhrl1ng +1
@B_Caputo +1


I’m in! Sounds like a great idea.

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thanks peter for organizing. count me in.

June 17th is a National Holiday. The anniversary of Watergate! I’m in and save a seat for Rebecca, but I have to check to see if she is interested. I assume that Solera wines are not allowed, so I’m having trouble exceeding a 50 year spread for now, but maybe I can source something :slight_smile: . BUT if I can get the current release, I can go three bottles of the same Burgundy, same producer, same vineyard, all bought by me on release, that spans 1976/2002/2021.

If anyone wants to bring more than 2 bottles of the same, feel free… I’m actually considering it because if one of my old ones is turned or faulty, it would be nice to have a backup. Always better to overprepare with older stuff.

Hopefully by then we’ll find the missing 18 minutes too…

Too early for me (and I cannot really do whites and champs either) but a lovely idea. If you do one on later side & reds… I’ll be there!

My friend Juan, who was so engaged the last time, wants to come to this one. It works well for me, because I can be the source of his bottles, which lets me test the aging process on more of my cellar!

Ooh! Ooh! I can source a current vintage of my birth year wine, which gives me at least a 68 year spread. Backup would be a good idea.

Are you sure about no dessert wines? I might be able to do 134 years if you permit Madeira, but I will have to see if the producer will fly me a bottle of the new stuff from their private stash, since it is all gone at retail.

Put me down as tentative. I’ll let you know as we get closer.

Looks fun but unfortunately, I am working that night, enjoy! Hopefully I can make the next one.

You can definitely bring a dessert wine too as an addition for after the main tasting.

Julie G and I are in

That’s a fun concept, we sorta drank one of these a couple weeks ago, 2000 and 2020 lignier msd 1er vv, they were dramatically diff.

Hey Peter, I can do this date, please count me in

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I don’t know how to best do this and keep with the blind concept, but I have a not insignificant collection of what I refer to as California rocket fuel, but it is almost entirely post 2004 and in some cases later than that. On the other hand, I have a smattering of older stuff, some of which I have owned since before the flood. If anyone has something to match at the other end of the age spectrum, maybe we could pair up and present some interesting contrast. For example, I have lots of SQN, but it is all 2010 and later. Likewise, I could offer all vintages of Cayuse Bionic Frog, but the oldest is 2011. on the other hand, I have Dunn Napa (not the Howell Mountain) from 1983, 1985 and 1988 but nothing younger than that. I also have some 1999 and 1996 Sandrone Le Vigne with impeccable provenance - a trade with the producer through Francois Mauss because Mauss needed something from my cellar about 18 years ago. But nothing new and I brought Barolo last time so doing so twice would be bade for my resume as one of the leaders of the Pro-Flavor Bourgeoisie.

Bit if anyone has anything that is worth pairing up and thoughts on how to do it, let me know.

Sounds like a good problem to have.

I promise this won’t be the last dinner I do that has an age theme… Personally I’d prefer something new world from you.

Hi Peter, count me in +1 as my wife Jamie wants to see for herself these fun nights at corkbuzz I’ve been telling her about. Maybe you won’t hate the bottle I bring this time :wink:

Jay, last time you were talking big with the 2007 Scarecrow. You gonna show us? Or let me win WOTN again? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Reminds me of a line that General Zod delivered to Lex Luthor in the Superman movie - “Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?”

What makes you think that you are worthy? What WOTN did you win with? That under-flavored Cheval Blanc? Just to whet your appetite . . . This is my 2012 Scarecrow with a few others you can drool over.

Then there was my 2007 at the Westchester wine collector’s dinner.

And then there was my 2005 . . .

Note the crappy label third from the right. That’s an 1865 single vintage coronation sherry.

I don’t have time to look for photos of others, BUT we can always have MacDonald.


These are a few empty California Rocket Fuel examples. My wife likes to throw out the empties, but we compromised on keeping these in March 2021. There are more now. Except for The Raven, bottom row, one bottle from right end. I have absolutely NO IDEA where it came from or how it got into my house.

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