NYC - Blind Tasting Dinner

I know what I’m bringin’ then


Listen, everyone has their wine pet peeve. This is just unequivocally mine.

I fully trust the people on this invite to present the wines in their best fashion. I will leave it to them to decide, but I have no doubt it will be good,

The only thing that is extremely important is that they must be concealed. Do not have the labels showing. This is a blind tasting.

I went to Oakwood tonight…3 bottles of champagne and 1 pizza later. Anthony is awesome.

Sounds like we had the exact same night, Cheers! :wink:

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We had one blind tasting where I did not remove all of the obnoxious wax on the neck, which led to an extensive debate as to whether it was Ceritas or PYCM, depending on the precise color of the wax! AND heaven forbid if you bring a bottle of Comtes and try to serve it blind.

Yes, with any blind tastings, the bottle shape, markings, wax, etc, all gave be giveaways, so do your best to mask them.

OK everyone… final reminder… the event is THIS MONDAY!

BLIND TASTING! Keep those bottles hidden. Two bottles of the SAME grape. One under $40, one over $100. Please bring them at the correct temperature and if you feel you need to open to give air ahead of time, do that.

I prefer you bring reds. But there are two people who were given exceptions to bring whites. Same rules apply: grapes/price.

We will meet at Corkbuzz at 13 e 13th street. I’ll be there a little after 5pm. Dinner will start at 6pm. There will be snacks on the table ahead of time, and we can do the blind white flight as well and order a bottle of Champagne off their list too. Last time the price was ~$125 a person, I expect it to be the same here too. No need to bring stems, they have them.

If you can’t make it, please let me know, so we can access the wait list.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and see you Monday.


thanks for organizing, Pete. Looking forward.

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If you prefer reds, I will bring reds and save any exceptions for the next time.

I’m just excited you will be there. Anything you want to bring, as long as same grape and blind, is ok.

I will probably change my mind three or four more times, but I am leaning towards a cult Cali versus a recommendation from another board member, same year, same grape, bought about 2 years apart over a decade ago and cellared together. Price difference upon purchase - a factor of 8!

I know you will bring something great. I have no concerns.

That’s because I own no Loire Chenin.

this is part of JayHack’s long con. He’s going to bring for his “$100 or more” bottle

51 bottles of 2 buck chuck boiled down to one bottle.

and for his “40 dollar or less bottle”

1 bottle of 2 buck chuck

same vintage, naturally!

Final reminder everyone… see you tomorrow! (I’ll be there between 5 and 5:15pm)
If anyone further has to drop, let me know and we can see if we can access the wait list.



I guess you won’t be drinking any of the Scarecrow. :slight_smile:

In 2004, I did a blind taste test to prove to the partners of the law firm that I had just joined that “Oh! They’re all the same and you can’t tell the difference.” was a lot of BS. I gave them two bottles - a TBC Cab and a random $15 cab - I think it was Kunde. I left the room and they poured one glass of each. I returned and started by smelling both wines. Without tasting them, I chose one and said, “This is the TBC. It’s disgusting.” I was right. I didn’t have to taste it. Years later for our blind dinners, I contacted Bronco to get a 2001 TBC Cab to slip into a flight. I got a message back from Fred Franzia’s nephew. He said that they did not keep library wines.

Thus, I have never tasted TBC. AND if someone thinks that is a dare to slip some TBC into the tasting, please don’t.

See everyone in a few hours… be sure to bring them at the correct temperature!

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I will not be wrapping my bottles. I have decanted the two bottles and will pour them back into two other empties I have lying around. If you guess based upon the labels, you will have to explain why Riesling is red!.

Two bottles both decanted at 2 pm.

Excellent ruse!