NYC - Blind Tasting Dinner

I’m still in.

Confirmed. Thanks again Peter.

We are still in too


everyone has confirmed but 3…


I’m likely a no. Got invited to a last min wedding so that will likely take precedent. Bummed Ill miss it and hopefully will catch the next one.

understood, I’ll take you off the list, thanks

I’m in. I will bring an XYZ and an ABC. Would you prefer that we choose two wines that:

(a) are likely to be confusing because the cheap one is so good that it could outshine the good one;
(b) are designed to show why paying the extra bucks is worth it; or
(c) you don’t care, it’s just grape juice that has rotted and is over the hill.

All great questions and suggestions. I would think each person probably can pick their own theme. Some might do old vs new world. QPR vs just very good… just bring something that I want to drink :slight_smile:


I will bow out since the waitlist is deep. Heading out of town later that week so I will need the time to focus on work stuff.

Have a great time everyone!

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Confirming in.


Are we still doing this? Is it red only? Can I bring a pair of white or rose or bubbly starters instead? Just for the sake of balance? I have some interesting comparisons of those, but if you want to keep it to reds only, that’s fine. We can do the others on a different day because I think this is a great idea.

Very much still on.

We are doing reds… but for you Jay, yes, I will make an exception. Same theme though, high/low for bubblies would be a lovely starter. Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2 weeks and a day.

PM sent

I am also interested in bringing 2 whites. Let me know if that works. If so we would be bringing 2 whites and 2 reds.


OK… I’ll allow whites… but they better be banging. Same rules apply though, same grape for the high and low. Feel free to bring Montrachet, Gaia & Rey, Salon, etc :slight_smile:

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So, what’s the story with decanting/aeration for the wines we’re bringing to this tasting.

Do we want them
i) to show their best?
ii) be decanted equivalently? or
iii) not at all, open 'em there?

Up to you

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Peter, I love you, but there is a special circle of hell reserved for those that bring great wine and serve it before it’s open.

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