I have a client who has asked me to sell them a case of Stony Hill Riesling, but they wanted to make sure of the vintage. I told them that it was 2006. Here was the response, via email, I received…
Daniel, no, prefer the 2009 or 2008, white riesling doesn’t have a particularly long shelf life–please advise if you can find the on-the-run vintage–is usually released around now.
Daniel don’t make them wait even another fucking minute for the '08 to be released. Fly your ass out to St. Helena and pick up a case. They '07 is already tumbling into obscurity . . . getting worse as I type this. Parker changed his note from Mature to Old as I finished that last sentence. Customer service buddy.
I’m long on 2010’s, and have California Overnight at the ready for when they hit the bottles - a winery operator will cap them on the truck on the way to my house, and when I receive them, I will consume them on the spot.
We did a Stony Hill dinner once at Antoine’s in NOLA in the 80’s and the aged Rieslings (like ten to fifteen years) STOLE the show from the more famous Chards…
Normally, I would give the customer a little bit of leeway, maybe they just haven’t had a good Riesling that’s supposed to age, and put an older one in their hand with the promise I would take a full return on it if they didn’t enjoy it. But ‘prefer the 09’?!?! Could you at least let them HARVEST the damn grapes first?
They are very nice people. The only reason we sell Big House Red is because they buy it by the case every few weeks. But then they come up with obscure requests like this one.
Stony Hill is letting me choose my barrel of 2009.