Ladd Cellars - Chardonnay, Pinot, Cab Franc...Closed!

Hey Eric!

No worries, I know it was hectic and I reached out late because I had FOMO. While I really want to try your wines, I think I’m going to have to take a pass for now; I have already obliterated my wine budget this year, and I need to start saying no. Its a very slippery slope, you know how it goes.

I will certainly make sure to hit your offer first next BD, if I dont cave before then.

Take care and all the best!


Hi James,

Thanks for getting back to me. I certainly understand overspending a
wine budget and that saying no to more wine can be a gift.

If mid+ year you find you’re interested in one of these packs, I’d be
happy to process that for you.


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Very cool, appreciate that! You are at the top of the list!


Has anyone received their Ladd Cellars order from BD 15? I’ve reached out to Eric multiple times this month (both via email as well as a DM here in WB) regarding a shipping date/status and haven’t received a response. He is usually pretty responsive in the past so I’m a bit confused

Posted in this thread yesterday.
He said So Cal shipments would be going this week and next

What is your location?

Tony, thx for update. I’m in Minnesota so I’ll just wait to hear from Eric.

Hi, Sorry for the coordination issues …my website blowup in Feb put me behind the eightball since. I’m shipping south to north (warmer to cooler is more accurate). I’ll be able to get everything out and arrive in good condition.

Current best way to contact me is by phone, call/message or text to the number in your invoice. Please don’t anyone post my number anywhere tho. But if you have a question/issue/whatever, please text me or leave a vmail , this will save both of us time in the long run!

If you text me, please please put BD15 in the text…otherwise I won’t see it…if you do, I will see it and will respond fairly quickly.