Kansas City Tasting Group

Let’s shoot for the 21st. I talked to Jim and I think that works for him.

Now we need the others.

The 21st works. BBQ wine still OK for the theme? If so, maybe everyone can grab an order from their favorite BBQ place on the way. What time? 6:30 or 7?

I am up or 7:00. Any theme is fine, so let’s do the BBQ.

Hi all, sorry to post so late. I don’t think that I can make it in tonight, my car is in the shop and my wife is out of town so I have no way to and from.

Frank volunteered to give me a ride, so I’ll see you guys tonight. Now I just need to find something in my house that qualifies as BBQ Wine!

Where are we meeting toinight?

I was assuming at the store. I’ll email Jim to double check.

The store it is.

Hey guys. See you tonight. Haven’t been around much lately.

Proposed date for next tasting: Thursday the 31st. Maybe change things up and meet for dinner at J. Alexanders?

Just wanted to bump this thread for some visibility. I’m new in town and looking to pull some corks.

Phil, I’d be interested. I PM’s Frank Smith and he said he would as well. I’m out of town for a couple of weeks but back mid-August. We should put something together.

  • Mike


New Berserker in search of some (relatively) serious wine drinkers in the Kansas City area. Would love to connect every couple months for a focused tasting event. Looks like there are a couple of you on the board, but don’t see anything in the Offline Connections section int he past 18 months.

I am in OP but will travel within the metro.

Bump! Anyone in KC area like to consume and contemplate wines? [whistle.gif]

Chris, sorry just saw this. Let’s see if we can get something on the calendar