I don't need any more wine

This thread should see lots of activity during berserkerday…

I’m actually going to attempt a serious buying moratorium in '13. This will be my 1st serious effort to gain some control over my obsession. I do have some serious motivation though with 2 daughters in college and a complete kitchen renovation to pay for.





…who am I kidding? I guess myself. [head-bang.gif]

“Need” has nothing to do with my situation. Want is entirely different. Though I did cut back a little in 12.


I have almost stopped, and only ever consider buying at old prices.I am less driven now because I already know what it tastes like.

Droppin’ a little class in the thread. Nice.

Do you have any more room in your cellar?
Or is it filled to capacity?


You, my friend, are one of us.

Had the 7 crus on Saturday, exceptional. Quite a unique style too.

Nah, I have room and I have money. I just don’t have the need for more wine.

I did just manage to let the Bedrock order pass. I don’t know whether missing one order gets me dropped from the list, but even if it does, I’ve managed to accumulate quite a large amount of Bedrock in the last few years, and I’ve mostly only drunk whites and roses so far (between never really knowing which out of all my reds are ready to drink, plus the ones I have opened seeming too young), so I’ve got several cases piled up.

Baby steps.

You can’t change the Laws of Physics, Captain.
A vacuum seeks to be filled…


must strike when the iron is hot.
My husband even thought it wasn’t a bad idea.
Sitting right now with 8 cases of wine in my office, with a couple of more coming this week. Way more than I need.

Accidentally did the same as Chris above. Using all my willpower to avoid buying now on the waitlist chance.Given that I have 2x as much Bedrock as any other producer, I think it’s time to skip a round. Will definitely be back for the whites on the next order though.

give me strength. Envoyer 91 and 93 JP Mugneret…resist

I may need to call Greg and ask him to remove me from the mailing list for 6 months and see if I can stand it.

Despite a buying moratorium, I’ve managed to limit my purchases this week to just under 3 cases.

Amen brother!

I may not need any more wine, but I just had to buy 2010 Mugneret Gibourg Chaignots and Vosne Romanee since I loved it when tasted in barrel. How could I not buy wine that I sampled in Burgundy?

No more wine mags come to my mailbox. No subscriptions to electronic wine mags on CellarTracker. The only e-mails are crappy ones that don’t have unsubscribe tags, but they are not temptations anyway.

I need to reduce inventory by 1/3 of the cellar over a 3-5 year period to get things under control. There’s no way I am going 5 years without buying wine. If I can make it to spring mailer season (I’m not on many) that will be a major step.

garagiste with an Aldo Conterno offer. Deleted.