How Many Different Wines Do You Have in Your Cellar?

I wish I knew. When I had to resort to offsite storage, any semblance of an up-to-date inventory was out the window. Now that I have space at home for everything, the task of taking inventory and putting it into CellarTracker is far too daunting.

To address the question at hand, my answer would be closer to Favre’s than to Emery’s (original poster)…

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Incidentally, has anyone ever told you that’s the finest avatar photo ever?


4,421 of 1,313 wines


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1682 wines.


Fortunately most of Jon’s wines are DRC or equivalent. So he doesn’t have a problem my friend! :money_mouth_face:


Ask my wife…far too many, then Friday night…“why don’t we have any Chablis or Beaujolais around the house?”


I’ll bring a wine key and some glasses to help you out Todd.

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924 different wines.

I still swear that i can never find what I want down there!


Todd, I remember that there were two Urologists either in that picture or took it :slight_smile: - that was a fun weekend!!!

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1643 plus 3-4 everyday wines I don t even record -

  1. My wife thinks I’m insane with the wine we’ve accumulated, so I’m totally sharing this thread with her :joy:
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@Bweiss - 243 diffent wines. Not too crazy, but of how many in total?

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350 in total. In my mind, quite restrained.

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Todd, not sure is you’re commenting on my avatar photo or not. If so, the bottle pictured was enjoyed in Venice (!) August 2022. Great restaurant tucked away down a dark alley. The waiter/somm recommended. It was fabulous.

“My wife thinks I’m insane”

I’ll help you out bro…
I’ve accumulated about 3000 bottles, probably 500 different wines.
Just built another set of wine racks to hold about 700 or so bottles.
Not organized at all, just go down to the basement to find something interesting.
However, about 80 cases are in my (departed last month) mom’s basement.
Sister-in-law ratted me out on the number of cases down there.
My wife is pretty sure I’ve got a problem.

Why are always wives seeing a problem? No wine collecting ladies here who have problems with their husbands? :innocent:


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Perhaps they are more “sanity adjacent”.

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Fortunately she loves wine too, just doesn’t understand the collector habit and the endless research (“but that’s the fun!”)