Gabriel Glas StandArt discounted on Amazon

Yes, I use riedels with guests, or the unbeatable spigeleaus


I have access to Riedel restaurant series glassesā€¦ I think I might order a case of those next time I have a gathering. This is a friendly tip maybe for Berserkersā€¦ ask a restaurant if they will sell you discounted glasses.

These are the glasses that were $5/pack

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Yes, depending on how into wine they are. But as others have noted, you can find decent wine glasses for civilians so they still have a nice glass and it doesnā€™t matter if they get broken. I have had good luck with Costco:

Schott Zwiesel 6-piece Pure Cabernet Wine Glass Set

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I really like the StandArt. After breaking all my Zaltos and then breaking most of my Grassls, I decided to try something a little thicker. So far Iā€™ve had much better luck. No, they are not as vanishingly thin as the others, but Iā€™m able to use them without breaking them and honestly donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing that much.


How often are people drinking to be breaking that many glasses?

I broke several grassls when they first came out because the glass was thinner but havenā€™t broken more than one glass per year and I have a 5 year old running around.

Had a StandArt break from the steam in the dishwasher the other day due to a bowl shifting during the wash.

Iā€™ve had more glasses break waiting to be washed by hand (sitting on the counter) than I care to admit.

If I have a bigger gathering (say 20-30 people), I will just keep them out of the mix. For my wine geeks that come over, I will put them out so they donā€™t have to haul their own stems over if they donā€™t want to. And, for a smaller dinner, such as having my BIL and his wife over this week, I put them out for them. Same for if I was to set the whole table (say 8 people), I now haven enough of them for one person at each chair, geek or not.

I have a mixed assortment of nicer glasses due to breakage or acquiring just a few. I often end up giving out different glasses simply because I have a variety. I actually think it helps people know which glass is theirs. If Iā€™m setting the table for dinner though Iā€™ll usually choose all the same glasses.

I broke a lot of Gabriel Golds over the course of a couple of years. Of course, I say ā€œI,ā€ but only a couple of times was it actually me who broke the glass, in each case while washing. Mostly it was others. Iā€™ve had far less issues with Grassl and Glavin. Love the GGG, but they certainly are delicate.

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lolā€¦ last year I asked this question and I was surprised of the epic tales of how certain members seem to have butter fingers. :joy:

We installed one of those bottle washers since our kitchen has two sinks for some reason.

I was likeā€¦ Might as well use one that can rinse a ton of glasses.

I was curious about this, too, as Iā€™ve got a pair of the Golds. Along these same lines, for years Iā€™ve been using Riedel Vinum Syrah or Cab glasses. After a few months of the Golds (and/or Chrisā€™ Grassl glasses) I used one of my Riedel Vinum glasses the other day - felt like I was drinking out of a water glass. Such a huge contrast in weight/feel.

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Yep, i totally get it! Is a similar contrast with the golds vs. Standard. The latter are excellent glasses and Iā€™m happy to drink out of them anytimeā€¦but next to the golds, they suddenly feel ā€˜less greatā€™.


Acquired at a price below plastic, tho.

6 packs of the GG standart universal are available at K&L via insiders advantage for $150