Gabriel Glas StandArt discounted on Amazon

Just picked up another two pack. 10% off but only can be used for a single two pack. FYI.

Gabriel-Glas, Austrian Lead-Free Crystal Wine Glasses, StandArt Edition, Gift Box, Set of 2


Great timing! We were at a restaurant last night that used these, and my wife Chris loved them. Thanks Frank!


How do you get 10%?

Great. These are so infrequently discounted there.

Alf, FWIW, this is the only glass I use anymore. I mostly drink Champagne but if I open a Kutch Chard or Pinot Noir, I use this same glass. Really like it.

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We were drinking a dry Riesling. Was great for it. Seems multi-purpose tho. Nick used it for a Pinot.

For me it was automatically promo’d. It said 10% promotion.

Not for me but the last thing I need is more glasses

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not for me either

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How do these stack up compared to the golds?

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To me, the standart are very nice glasses and i use them when we have guests over…but compared to the golds, they feel heavy and almost clunky.

Now if you’ve never used the golds before and aren’t directly comparing the two, the standart are awesome glasses! And they are an excellent value (especially on sale - thanks for this @Frank_Murray_III

*caveot that the GG’s are by far my favorite glasses and i reach for them almost every time despite owning most of the usual suspects (Zalto, Grassl, etc)


Me as well, got the 6-pack for $200

I prefer heavy and clunky, matches my palate better and safer for my clumsy tendencies!

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These are the PERFECT glasses for you my man! Ha! :cheers:

That’s the normal price, as is 68 for 2 pack

It’s context. Compared to the glasses I used for years, the StandArt feel really very light. But the Gold feel really even lighter to me and I get that. But i made a decision that I didn’t want to wash or care for the fragile stuff I had acquired so I gave every one of them away and stuck with StandArt.

All of this stemware was exposed to me during a visit to Vilmart. Laurent Champs has a very significant selection of stemware that you can contrast during a tasting there. Pretty amazing. I can thank him for helping me find what works for me.


Oh cool, I love paying full price. Tastes better!


Thicker/heavier more of a restaurant glass that can handle bumps and bruises better than the fragile Golds. Bought 24 of them with credit card points from the wine based MasterCard that was promoted a couple Berserker Days ago. Heavy for a daily drinker as I am used to Glasvin Universals but good for a party.

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We call StandArt heavy…this is the nature of us.

The reality for me is several people who drink with me yet are not part of a geek wine community like us, these friends of mine don’t want to use StandArt (or moreso stuff like Gold that is even lighter) because they don’t like the weight of the stem. Instead they prefer to use the heavier Bordeaux-like glasses we give out during Falltacular. I’m falling in the middle i guess of both groups.

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All really good points, I concur. I also wonder why is it that we seek lighter and thinner? I think I prefer a bit more scale to my glasses. Reminds me of the movement years ago that placed so much emphasis on lighter and lighter carbon race bikes. I went down that rabbit hole. And I found that the bikes became stiffer and less comfortable, and more brittle. I broke them. And then the movement shifted more to aerodynamics. Some engineers then posited that an aero profile is more important than weight, and thus some bikes became more molded with more carbon material. I went down that path as well, and concluded those engineers are right. A more balanced design was more important than just emphasis on weight. We saw that same dynamic in golf club driver designs. Probably not a great analogy, but it resonates with me. I’m likely done with thin super light glasses. I need a more balanced product that provides aesthetic pleasure, appropriate weight and less brittle. And I can’t believe I just wrote all of that since I’ve never truly geeked out over wine glasses anyway.


I like the sturdy Standarts for guests. They’re better than what most non-Wine Geeks are used to and they stand up well to “indelicate” treatment.

I also like them when bring my own stems to a restaurant.

When the Wine geek crew is at our house though, we break our the Grasls. That’s what my wife and I use nearly daily too.

Just got tired of breaking so many Zaltos… :head_bang: