*Flannery Beef* Back Again!

Order in for some hangers and some Kali burger blend! Thanks Bryan and Katie!

Not letting me complete the order, I get an invalid code pop up every time I try to check out

See notes above about where to enter the code; have to edit cart vs. wait until end. I did the same thing :smiley:

Holy s, I’m so excited. These might be dinner tomorrow!

There’s a lot at steak here. That’s why people are beefing about it.

Thanks AK , I’m a little more senile but figured it out!

In for my first Flannery purchase - can’t wait to try these!

Ah I’m sorry!! I didn’t think to test how it would work on a mobile, I did my testing on a desktop. A lot of our energy in getting the new site in place was focused on the foundation/security side of things, Dad and I definitely have a ‘punch list’ of edits we are planning to make to the front end to smooth out the user experience, and the coupon code setup is right at the top :slight_smile:

Thanks for you patience with us!! Seriously, we appreciate it, we totally understand our site can be clunky. And if you ever get frustrated, don’t hesitate to call us up directly! Main line is 415-472-4488, Dad’s cell is 415-819-4366, and my cell is 415-205-2759


The mobile site is not really optimized for mobile. lol. It took awhile for me as well

Hanger steaks and Kali blends. Let’s gooo!

Totally hear you. The only thing that gives me, like, the tiniest bit of comfort, is that if you ever tried to go on the old site on a phone… it was a straight up sh*tshow. We’re moving forward, albeit at a snail’s pace!!!


I’m in (again). [cheers.gif]

Can’t login, even after resetting password…

edit: finally got in

In for too much. Always a no brainer.

It’s ok - i still love ya’ll. If I can do it on the pooper with my daughter knocking on the restroom door, it can’t be that bad

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lololol will propose this as our new catchphrase about our mobile site “If I can do it on the pooper with my daughter knocking on the restroom door, it can’t be that bad”

Bryan, I placed an order but accidentally forgot the special code. I just e-mailed sales.

Order in. Now I need some BD wines to go with it!

My favorite BD sale.

Brian, Katie…

I know you’re going nuts, but I’ve having the same issue with the CC processor with an address mismatch between billing and shipping.
Sent Katie an email and screenshot if you find time to look.
Just don’t want to miss out on the 130’s.
