Back Again!! Katie here - Dad and I always go back and forth… do we keep things simple with the tried and true classics, or do we throw out something really weird and unusual?? This year we met in the middle and we’re doing both!
Getting right to it - if you’re in the 'I want the classics and I want them now" mood, click the links below to navigate to the products. USE THESE LINKS! Our offerings for berserker day are not searchable on our site; you need to use these links.
If on the other hand, you’re looking to take a walk on the wild side, scroll down to see what happens when I ask Dad to write me ‘just a short explanation of what we’re doing with the custom aged primals’. We apparently have different understandings of the word ‘short’. But in any case… Happy BerserkerDay!!!
The Offers…
(Click buttons to navigate to the product page for the items below)
We’ve always had trouble figuring out how to offer free FedEx Air shipping, because you wouldn’t believe how flipping expensive shipping perishable products truly is… but you guys are special, so we’re making this happen! For all of you outside of the FedEx Ground service area, if you fill your cart with over $275 worth of meaty goodness, use coupon code BD16freeship during checkout to receive free 2nd Day Air shipping
We had some issues with the code yesterday, it’s all patched up now. If you don’t see the free shipping option with the code entered, try clearing your cache (that will make sure the edits our web guys did yesterday come through. If you don’t know how to clear cache or don’t feel like doing it, I totally respect that lol; just drop a note in the comment section that the code wasn’t working and I’ll refund the shipping on our end
35% off 12oz & 16oz California Reserve Ribeye Steaks
The ribeye has always been, and always will be, one of our top steaks. It’s off the chart when it comes to flavor, and not picky when it comes to cooking methods. It will have a bit more internal fat than other cuts, but in our opinion, it’s well worth it.
35% off 10oz & 14oz California Reserve New York Steaks
Just a step below the ribeye in flavor, the New York will edge just slightly above in terms of tenderness. Both are phenomenal cuts, if you can’t make up your mind, grab one of each!
Custom Aged & Fabricated Primals
The next three links need a little more explanation… I asked Dad to help me with some of the text for this… and below is what I mean when I tell people Dad is the more longwinded of us two, ha.
In Bryan’s Words:
Now for a walk on the wild side! Haven’t done this in years for a couple of reasons: 1. We like to call the shots, and 2. We like guardrails.
Last time we tried this, we only offered a few units and were somewhat restrictive on just how berserk we would allow the Berserkers to be. And you rose to the occasion like perfect Ladies and Gentlemen. So this year we are reprising the “you’re the boss” deal and removing almost all of the guardrails. Choose between a whole Shortloin Primal or an entire Prime Rib and tell us exactly what you want us to do. How long to age it, and how to fabricate it when it’s ready. What could go wrong? Nothing, because we are going to cap the length of dry age to 60 days since we are the adults in the room, and it’s for your own good; like vegetables. However, for those truly rebellious of you, we have a VERY limited number of a variation on the Prime Rib; the dreaded 107 Rib
Without getting too into the weeds, when we bring in Prime Ribs we use the 109 specifications for this cut. But for this event, we’ve broken tradition and brought in a small amount of 107 ribs. The main difference between the two is the amount of fat and bone that is left on the rib; the 107 ribs will weight almost 50% more than the 109s, but that extra weight is primarily fat and a bit of cartilage. Can you believe that last sentence- could be the OG of all sales pitches! Who could resist more fat and cartilage! But wait, there is a reason; for those of you fans of the upper part of the Scoville scale, we can take this item out to 100 days dry age. Yes, it’s the same amount of finished steaks as the usual 109 rib, but the fat and bone surround almost the entirety of the rib itself, acting as a protective shield and letting us take these bad boys all the way to the edge.
Here is where this offer gets fun., Normally if you were to engage Flannery, Flannery and Flannery LLP, it would cost $500 per hour, minimum 4 hours. But this week, limited to you Berserkers, Katie and I (who happen to be the entire staff of F F & F LLP) will personally consult with each one of you and guide you on how long to age and how best to fabricate the item - remember when choosing, I tend to talk a lot, so Katie may be the better bet to call; but if you want your head to explode, we can both join a conference call. This is applicable for any of the three primals.
That said, regarding the 107 Rib, sometimes it’s good to take a step back and ask yourself ‘just because I can do something, should I?” And being 100% honest, jury’s split on this one. It’s honestly once in a blue moon opportunity to drive on the sheer cliff side of the guardrails. You will get a very pronounced aged flavor at the 100 day mark, to the point where it begins to be off-putting to some. On the flip side, if you have some really Big Reds - carpe diem!
Custom Aged & Fabricated Shortloin
Customer Aged & Fabricated 109 Rib
Custom Aged & Fabricated 107 Rib SOLD OUT
(I should have brought in more of these… once again I underestimated your guys’ insanity lol)
How to Order
You can place an order through our website by clicking any of the links above, the discount for the Ribeyes and New Yorks is already applied (no code required). If you hit the threshold for free shipping (cart total over $275), use code BD16freeship to get free 2nd Day Shipping. If you would prefer to email or call, both are options, but we expect things to be busy, so we might need a little bit of time to return your call or email. Our phone number is: 415-472-4488, and our email is:
Depending on where you are in the US, we offer two shipping methods: FedEx Ground for the West Coast, and FedEx Express for everyone east of Nevada. Shipping costs will vary based on location and cart value - you can find the specific breakdown on our shipping info page here: Part of this years BD16 deal is offering free 2nd Day Air shipping on cart values over $275; use coupon code BD16freeship to apply the free shipping coupon.
We had some issues with the code yesterday, it’s all patched up now. If you don’t see the free shipping option with the code entered, try clearing your cache (that will make sure the edits our web guys did yesterday come through. If you don’t know how to clear cache or don’t feel like doing it, I totally respect that lol; just drop a note in the comment section that the code wasn’t working and I’ll refund the shipping on our end
Delivery Dates
Due to the incredibly high volume of BerserkerDay, we will do everything we can to accommodate your requested delivery date, but if we physically don’t have time to cut and package everything before the FedEx truck shows up, we might need to push your order by a few days. If you absolutely need the steaks on your requested date, please let us know in the comments box. If we do need to change the ship date of your order, we will shoot you a note to give you a head’s up.
Extra Offer if You Read This Far…
In the craziness of BerserkerDay I forgot that today coincides with our scheduled Valentine’s Day email promo, in which we’re emailing out a code for 20% off our Filet Mignon Steaks. So… since we love you guys, and I know that half of you are already on our mailing list… I’ll save you a step, and if you’re in the mood to throw some filets in your box, use coupon code: VDay25 to save 20% off our California Reserve Filet Mignons. (and for any of you not on our mailing list, I highly recommend signing up! We’re not sophisticated enough to know how to sell your data (lol), and I personally hate getting inundated with emails (part of my job is to clear out Dad’s email inbox in the morning, he signs up for literally everything, ugh) so we keep things minimal and worth it with these, we do sales about once per month on some of our best cuts. Easy signup HERE