Eastside (of Seattle) Tasting Group does Pegau-Palooza

Paul, long story short, I was treated to it at the Domaine 15 - 20 years ago, Laurence told me it was one of the last five bottles.

Kris, I think the 2019 will be a great Pegau Cuvee Reservee, but hard to make an exact comparison. It has similarities to 2009, but is a little more structured. If you blended some 2012 into 2009, you would be close. Peak for 2019 is probably 20 - 40 years from harvest.

Dan Kravitz

Much as I love this vintage, I would not call it a ‘vin de garde’ for Pegau. At 25 years, IMO it’s at peak. I still own some and expect to deplete it over the next few years.

Top vintages of Pegau are 50 year wines.

Dan Kravitz

I guess time will tell. What vintages would you classify as 50 yr wines?

IMO both 2010 and 2016 should be good half a century from harvest date.

Dan Kravitz

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