CT handles

[dance2.gif] I just realized this thread won’t get zapped on this board [good.gif]

With a few exceptions, I’ve always found it difficult to figure-out who belongs to which handles on CT. I enjoy following the notes of those with whom I am familiar, virtually or otherwise. Based on the (relative) dearth of TN’s here, I suspect a lot of you are drinking wines without posting TN’s here. I’m sure i’m not alone in being interested in reading all of your TN’s, even if you think the wine didn’t merit posting a TN here. so give it up, folks … what’s your CT pseudonym?

mine is: grafstrb

Master list of Berserkers and their CT Handles:
A K a I l - AccaDacca
AAgrawal - aagrawal
AaronE - vinophobic
aaronfullen - sawtooth
AD Northup - Adnorthup
Akuehn - Phredd
Al Ehrhardt - Al Ehrhardt
Alan C h a n - amateurwino
Alan Newman - maxmanx
Alex Valdes - Avaldes
alexnicholas - lolo66
Andrew Gold - Traxx
Andrew K. - shifter
Anthony Agrella - Dom’n’Vin’sDad
Aubrey Lloyd - Sir Lloyd
B. Buzzini - Mrbuzz
Barnet D. Malin - TheOtherPoster
Beau Carufel - ucbeau
Benjamin Sullivan - Cellar_Fiend
Blake Brown - Blake Brown
blakeholman - WineheadGA
BLittle - likeabc
Bob Hoelting - fingers
Brad England - BradE
Brady Daniels - Brady D
Brandon R - BRR
Brent C l a y t o n - bigwineguy420
Brent S - Dalex
Brian G r a f s t r o m - grafstrb
Brian Jeffrey - mouthpiece
BrianMarshall - WMWG
Brian London - blondon
Brian Pinci - barsacpinci
Brian Stotter - InZinity
Brian Tuite - River Rat
Brian Zamkotowicz - zonk
Bruce Rudman - Bruce61
Bryan Carr - the_lovenest
Bud Carey - budman
C. Spence - Redrunners
Cam Wheeler - CamWheeler
Chad Richardson - chadrich
Charlie A - cartime
Charlie Fu - Clayfu
Chas Stiltner - gripNsip
Chris Blum - Chrisinroch
Chris C a r y - ChrisinSunnyside
Chris Foley - racerchris
Chris H. - Jazz Nut
Chris Presutti - crafty
Chris Sobaszek - WineBum
Chris Tuttle - CTuttle
ChrisBeacham - ChrisBeacham
Chuck Anderson - Charlie Pendejo
cjsavino - cjsavino
CliffordBrown3 - cbbrown3
Colin Haggerty - La Cave d’Argent
Corey N. - cmn
Cris Whetstone - WetRock
Curtis Chen - Curtis Chen
D.Callahan - D.Callahan
D Jorgenson - Jorgy
Daniel Kim - Pikkle
Daniel Walsh - Daniel___Walsh
Darren Graves - SkeBum
Dave Dalluge - Icarus
Dave Morris - dmorris
Dave Smig - Dave Smigielski
David Baum - bomba503
David M. Bueker - Rieslingfan
David Welch - GalvezGuy
David_T - David_T
Deacon Chapin - chapinde
debbie holm - Gooddog
Dennis Kanagie - CranBurgundy
Dianne Kessler - Diane (LI)
Dirk Brinkmann - NoTrollingerPlease
Doug Lee - DougLee
Drew Goin - Drew Goin
dsGriswold - dsGris
dsimmons - dsimmons
Dusty Gillson - GrapesRGreat
Ed Murray - Tubbs
EileenS - Soxgirl
Eric Cotte - recotte
Eric FW - VikingJew
Eric Keating - eric42
Eric LeVine - Eric
Eric White - ewhite
Ethan Abraham - tubulus
Frank Deis - FrankD
Frank Murray III - Frank Murray III
Fred Bower - fredb
G. Greenbaum - Gregg G
Gerard Stranch - thirstyman
Graeme Gee - graemeg
Greg Gardner - grog
Greg Kramer - VDLT Wine
Guillaume Deschamps - Will
Guillermo M - guillermo-
Hans Werge - SineQuaNon
Howard Davis - HowardNZ
Ian P. - jaxpaj
J Dove - Bordeauxnut
J. Rock - JRockEsq
J. Singleton - jesingle
J a m e s Vineyard - OneLastSyrah
J a y H a c k - J@yH@ck
Jane Crabill - wondersofwine
Jay Winton - Jay Winton
Jeff Lewis - j
Jeff Moore - hoonan
Jeff Vaughan - Outplaying
Jen M a s o n - Jenmermaidia
Jeremy C - desertdoc
Jeremy Hannah - jhannah27
Jeremy Holmes - Jeremy Holmes
Jesse I t z k o w i t z - doubledoc
JFPelletier - jfpwine
jhemming - jhemming
Jim Burk - NE14ZIN
Jim F - Jimmyjules
Jim Karegeannes - jimkay
Jim Salvito - Wineholio
Joe B - Rktekt3
Joe Dulworth - wineismylife
Joe Hauck - glaze3
Joe S. - BornToRhone
Joe Webb - Xtrmjoe
Joe Winograd - jmw17
joejolesch - gratefulbbq
Joel S Morris - jsmorris707
JoelD - jd6725
John Danza - John Danza
John Fagan - jfagan
John Gardner - jfgardner4
John Garofalo III - JGarofalo3
John Glas - 3daywinereview.com
John Green - Greenblanket
John Kight - Employee500
John Oglesby - Chateau Cabron
John Willison - willison
Jon Gordon - uhclem
Jonathan Grunzweig - JonnyG
Jorge Henriquez - JorgeH
Jose A. Rodriguez - jar
Joshua Roberts - jrobs7777
Jud Reis - jreis
Julian Skeels - julianskeels
Justin Bonner - thenapalist
J.Vizuete - Jviz
K N Haque - Hermitkingdom
Kelly Flynn - Straight outta Iowa
Ken Kailin - KenK
Ken Strauss - kenthecpa
Ken V - kenv
Kevin Shin - dcwino
Kirk Grant - Kirk Grant
Kurt_L - thek
L Goldsmith - l fisher
Larry Jones - ljones
Larry Link - llink
Leonard Taylor - zinnut
Loren Sonkin - Loren Sonkin
Lou Recupero - Coupe 60
M Hoose - sbfireman
M Mager - mmager
M. M c C a l l - brix
M. Sai - SuitePhoto
Marc Frontario - Robert Goulet
m@rkj@hnke - Jersey Foodies
Mark F r a n k s - vinomarcus
Mark Larson - Musicman
Mark Morrissette - MaineMark
Mark.Ricca - Starfish
MarkW - Winopops3
Marshall Gelb - M&D24
Marshall Manning - Marshall Manning
Matt Latuchie - tooch
Matt Mauldin - MattMauldin
Matt Parham - Mrp2008
mcastleman - DaddyO
MChampney (Mark Champney) - Frabjous
Merrill Lindquist - Merrill Lindquist
mgriffith - mgriffith
Michael Atienza - AMC Eagle
Mike Coutu - elkiholic
Mike During - mike
Mike Evans - MikeATL
mike pobega - King Cab
Mike Stoneking - Mike Stoneking
Mike V e r h i l l e - Mike V
Mikko R - Mige
Milos Cam-Robb - mocamro
Mont Stern - Drwine
Nancy Dolce - Sweet Nancy
Nick Buie - Rerail1984
NickC - njc2o
NoahR - DoctorNoah
Otto Forsberg - Forceberry
P. D e r e d y n - AFWE
P. Robert - P. Robert
Pat Burton - Prof B
Paul David - Bon Vivant
Paul L i n - phlin
PaulMills - mtpisgah
Paul Rasmussen - Prasm
Peter Hirsch - PeterH
Peter Z. - Peter Z.
Phillip F r a n k s - DUSTOFF
Pierre-Yves - Pierre-Yves
Pmenkes - theRealPepe
Randy Sloan - babnik
Randy Smith - randy082054
Rich Byrne - Screameagle
Richard Jennings - Richard Jennings
RichSteinberg - sgamboca
Rick.T - Monty_Vin
Rick Dyer - rickspicks
Rob MacKay - RoundersRob
Robert B. - RobertB321
Robert Love - rlove
Robert Pollard-Smith - robertito
robmundell - RMundell
Roger Nellans - rnellans
Roger Oullette - Vin0Vin0
Russ Schultz - russdan60
Ryan Allen - tjib13
Ryan Caughey - qryan
S. Lancaster - Viggo21
S L Clayton - Leatherpalate
S_Nickell - F22nickell
Sarah Kirschbaum - NYC_Maenad
scamhi - scamhi
Scott Brunson - S1
Scott Butler - Scott Butler
scott c l a f f e e - Scott in Shaw
scott davis - scott davis
Sc0tt F!tzger@ld - BigTex22
Scott Gruner - scottg
Scott Ho11owe11 - Hollowine
Scott Manlin - TheMac
Sean Reed - seanr7
Seo S a l i m i - Seo
Seth M. Long - sethmlong
Shannon Perdue - Winetex
ssimpsonjr - ssimpsonjr
steffenpelz - Steffenpelz
Stephen Williams - sjwshiraz
StephenCFahy - stephencfahy
Steve Brickley = Steve Brickley
Steve Gautier - PSUSteve
Steve Long - SteveLong
Steve Saxon - Money4wine
SteveC - coyler
T. Altmayer - TomTom
T Fletcher - tcufletch
Ted Erfer - tederf
Theodore Anderson - Purple Drank
Tim Corliss - tim corliss
Tim Heaton - Wine_Strategies
Tim McCracken - concorde
Todd A. Christensen - Sycamore
Todd F r e n c h - Todd French
Todd Tucker - cct
todd waldmann - twaldmann
Tom F. - floydtp
Tom Hudson - cuffthis
Tom Lee - tomlee
Tony V e l e b i l - tvel
V. Viinikka - vhjv
Viet Ly - vietty
Vince T - Ohne_musik
Warren Taranow - WST
William Anzalone - JustBreathe680
William Segui - wjs
Yoni O v a d i a - Yonster24
Z Scheiner - zscheiner
zachary l a n g - zblang
Zachary Ross - chomsky

up-to-date through Post #:479

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Its in my sig below.

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wineismylife - same as my handle on every board except this one and ePantload.





And I love this thread! [d_sunny.gif]


What would be even sweeter than this thread would be a seamless integration between WineBerserkers and CellarTracker…hint hint hint

Follow you on both sites…thanks for all the TNs.
Seo is my CT handle, so transparent.


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