Congrats to Mike Smith and the wines he makes!

Some 99s, 95s, 96s and even a hunny. Wow.

Congrats indeed. I can’t wait to receive my 2012’s. Even if I won’t drink them for a while.

Super scores/reviews and well deserved.

I can’t say the same…

I have loved watching this winemakers rise through the years. It has been a real pleasure, and I am glad to consider him a friend, even if he never scored above 71…
[cheers.gif] [cheers.gif] [cheers.gif] [cheers.gif] [cheers.gif]

You’re a monster.

Well deserved, indeed. Congratulations to Mike! [cheers.gif]

Which wines?

CLONYC dinner convinced me to buy heavy in Myriad, Carter and some Quivet. Thanks to both Mike’s!

2012 Myriad Dr Crane Reserve -99
2012 Myriad GIII -97
2012 Myriad Dr Cane -96+
2012 Myriad Three Twins -95
2012 Quivet Las Piedras -95

Steve, you are welcome. Trust your palate. Confirmation feels…good. :slight_smile:

Congrats! Mike was very hospitable and super friendly during our visit back in September. Very happy to support him and his projects.

Not that I always align with Parker scores, but always nice to be praised!

I do align with Mr. Parker’s palate on Cabernet, so his points are quite meaningful to me. Myriad impressed me from the first vintage, so I’m very happy they get this recognition. (Though Mike has had many, many fans on this board from the first vintage.)

And his customer service is second to none, not that we care about that! [snort.gif]


I enjoy your approach and enthusiasm.

Makes me want to Pobega some cab!

I love the wines Mike Smith makes. Solid 100% connection to my palate.

I was amazed when I tried the 2012 Dr. Crane and the Res.!!!They wont last long in my cellar.

I’ve been buying Mike’s wines since 2006. Always stellar and a great guy too. Kudos to him (and to Mark Carter for the 100)

Which wine got a 100?

2012 Carter G.T.O (magnum). I believe it’s a blend of the single clone wines ala Schrader’s Old Sparky.

You mean ‘The O. G.’ right?

Damn, I tasted that with Mike yesterday. My first time with a 100pt wine.